-Chapter one-

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"(Y/N) " my mother calls, "What?" I replied, slightly annoyed. "Come down here sweetheart" i grunted, and walked down the stairs. "yes mom?" I said, with annoyance in my voice "my god child! Why are you so angry? All i did was call you down here!" Your mother looks at you with that motherly look, you know which one I'm talking about. "Sorry mom, what is it?" I replied, trying to not sound annoyed
"*sigh* (Y/N)... We're moving" my parents were sitting on the sofa and i stood behind it, i almost stumbled over our rug. "WE ARE WHAT?! No tell me your joking!" I couldn't believe my ears! Moving?! "To where?" I continued, i had so many questions "why, how, where?" My parents were silent, i guess they didn't expect me to react like this,
come to think off it, why am i shocked? I hate this damn place. I took a deep breath "where are we moving to?" I said as calmy as i could, my parents explained everything, where we were moving, why and so on.

-The next morning-

"(Y/N), breakfast is ready" i woke up to the delicious smell of (your favourite breakfast food), i quickly put on my (F/C) tank top and denim shorts. As i went down the stairs, i felt how hungry i really was. I ate all of the food my parents made me.
"(Y/N)?" My mother asked, "Yeah?" I replied with food in my mouth. "First of all don't talk with food in your mouth, and second of all you need to go up and pack" mom said. "Alright mom, I'm going to pack now" i went up the stairs to my room and dragged my big ass suitcase out on the middle of the floor, "Only pack your clothes! Everything else we will pack in boxes later" my mom yelled to me.
After a long time of throwing clothes into the suitcase and jumping on it to fit it all, my dad came into my room. "What's up dad?" I said, he doesn't really often come into my room, "ah nothing much, just wanted to see if you were done, and ready to pack your other things" he said. "Oh, yeah i think i am" i replied softly, i still wasn't completely awake, my dad helped me drag my suitcase out to the car "Thanks dad, i think i would've died if i had to drag that out here by myself" i said jokingly, we both laughted a little
After around 3 more hours we were all ready to go, i had the backseat of the car all for myself, i didn't complain, i mean more space for me.
We've been driving for so long, all i had done was checking my social medias, and it was beginning to become boring.
"When are we there?" i asked impatiently, "in around 2 hours" my dad said "2 HOURS?! I'm going to DIE of boredom before we're there" i groaned.
Soon after i fell asleep. I don't know how long it actually took but it felt like an eternity

-2 hours later-

"(Y/N), Darling, we're here" my mother spoke softly "YES I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THOSE WORDS FOR SO LONG!" I burst out the car, i could not sit down anymore, my parents laughed.

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