The others were not buying Reverie's story but because they didn't have the magic to tell if Reverie was telling the truth or not, they let it slide. For now. Paint grumbled and put his hands into his pockets.

"Fine. I'll let this slide for now but i'm expecting some kind of explanation sooner or later. Got it?"

The trio nodded but Error still was not going to let his guard down just because he knew Paint was not going to let this one slide so easily and he will pressure all three of them until one of them cracks. Error has his money on Reverie accidentally telling someone. He gave the siblings a warning glare and the two nodded back, understanding what his warning glare meant. The group fell silent. Edge, who couldn't take the silence any longer spoke up.

"So what are we going to do now?"

Radix shrugged at his darker version before replying.

"Maybe we should make Error get to know everyone here. Including Bane's little group."

"Oh heLL no. NoT anOTheR forCeD bondIng seSSion. DOing it wIth PainT was baD enoUgh tHe firSt tiMe. No offEnse to yOu Paint."

"None taken."

"CooL. But stiLl, I don't kNow if tHIs is A goOd iDEa at aLl."

Error and Radix stared at each other for a long time until Error finally looked away.

"FiNe! But iF sOmetHinG hapPeNs iT's yOur faulT RadIX."

"Okay. Maybe you should go with Edge and Swap first, then anyone else but me and Paint after that. Maybe Bane and Reverie as well."



Error's POV

I walked over to Edge and Swap, who were waiting for me patiently. What surprised me was that Edge was so patient and calm. If this was Fell, he would have already lost his patience and Blueberry would be more excited. Swap was just... standing there. If he is from Under!Swap, then he should have papyrus's traits... unless Papyrus does not exist because I have met Radix's brother and he acted quite mellow but he still has his exciting and hyper personality. Swap just doesn't have that.

"HeY SwaP. My frIeNd who is tHe Sans fRom the UnderSwAp universe acTs hyper all THe time. Pretty mUCh the monstErs in the UnDErSwaP AU's switch rOles. So wHy are you Not hypEraCtive all the tiMe? Or is PaPyrUs also melLoW and cHill?"

Swap sighed and nodded his head towards the forest. I followed him into the forest with Edge right behind me. When we reached a shaded clearing, Swap sat down, leaning against a massive tree trunk. Edge sat down next to him and I sat down in front of them, patiently waiting for Swap to talk.

"So i'm going to assume you have met Radix's brother. Right?"

I nodded slowly, confused on why he was assuming that.


He looks really sad. What happened?

"So about 5 or 6 years ago, this multiverse was at war with each other. Good versus bad, light versus dark, I think you get the point. So by the time it ended, over half of the AU's disappeared into thin air. It was mostly because of the deaths outside of the AU's. If a major monster dies outside of their AU, their AU slowly destroys itself over time, the longest time it took was a week but it usually takes a day or two for a healthy AU to die."

I nodded to show I was listening. I remembered back in the day, if I was feeling lazy, I would just kill all of the major monsters outside of their AU so the AU would destroy itself for me. The major flaw with that was Ink, who could fix it if he was fast enough. That's why I normally never do it that way because Ink's too fast and the AU was easily fixed over time. Rainbow asshole.

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