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When I got home from the hospital, I was expecting to find the party going full swing. Instead, upon opening the door, I found Amy pinned against a wall by a rather different looking Kira, who was in the process of strangling my wife. Luckily, she'd texted me before I'd left so I'd had time to stuff a tranquilizer in my pocket, as well as prepare.

Not wanting to injure her, I snuck up behind her and stuck the needle into her neck. It was quick, easy, and painless for Kira. I caught her as she staggered off Amy and moved her to the couch. "You sure took your sweet time with that," Amy muttered. I roll my eyes and look up at her from where I'm checking Kira's pulse.

"Well excuse me for not wanting to injure my granddaughter or wife," I say, rolling my eyes again. "Whatever," she says, then moves to help me with Kira. While we, well, mostly me, checks her over to make sure she isn't having an allergic reaction, Amy launches into the tale again, this time going over the details. "What happens if they mess her up even more?" I ask. Amy shakes her head. "We can't afford to think about that."

Just then, Kira begins to thrash. I move to hold her down, slipping my wallet into her mouth. Instinctively, her body causes her to bite down on the soft leather. "What's going on?" Amy asks frantically. "She's having a seizure. Hand me the first-aid box out of the cabinet. I need to give her a shot of epinephrine to calm her down," I order. Scrambling, Amy does what I tell her. I struggle to open the medical kit and hold Kira down at the same time. Any moves to pin her down. "Hurry up, before her back snaps," she says anxiously. I give her the shot and Kira begins to calm down enough for me to examine her.

"Amy, we have a serious problem," I say solemnly. "What is it?" she asks, her worry evident on her face. "Kira's beginning to fade."

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