Chapter 6 ~ The First Day in 1-A

Comenzar desde el principio

"Khak, hmm," the recording of All Might coughed, following up with a bow and a "My apologies, young man."

All Might's image straightened and continued, "The truth is I didn't come to this city just to fight villains. You're looking at the newest U.A. faculty member!" His voice did a little dance when he said the words 'U.A. faculty member'.

"You're really going to be working at U.A.?!" I said, in shock. Izuku gave me a shaky smile that broadcasted anticipation from ear to ear.

"HMM," All Might's projection confirmed, nodding slightly. Immediately after, a small hand sprung out of the bottom right corner of the hologram, gaining All Might's attention. It was signaling for All Might to come closer with a wag of its index finger. I decided to take the opportunity to gather the papers and sit down again, Izuku seeing me soon enough and doing the same.

"Huh? Yes, what's the matter?" the new teacher responded, leaning down to see whoever was trying to get his attention. "Who's showboating?" he asked the hand as it pointed, then spreading out all its fingers right after. "Oh, sorry, I'll wrap it up, but I have to show them something first."

The hand did a weird dance that I couldn't interpret, causing All Might to sigh, "Wait, I have to do how many of these things?" He let out a hefty breath and slouched, watching to hand continue to dance.

After a brief moment, All Might straightened and posed, his smile seeming less nervous. "Right, SO!" He extended his arm to make a 'Stop' pose, yelling, "Moving on!"

He cleared his throat as the hand in the corner made the okay sign and left. I could hear Izuku gulp as he stared intently at the bright hologram.

"Even though you passed the written test, you got zero points in the combat practical exam. Sorry."

"WHAT??!" I roared, the sudden noise making Izuku jump back. I kind of caught myself a bit off guard too, since I didn't really think a whole lot before yelling out.

Realizing I had managed to stand up and give Izuku a heart attack, my face flushed red and I quickly sat back down to organize Izuku's U.A. documents that had flown everywhere.

Once I was done, I pulled myself together and frowned, looking back over to Izuku. "You said you got a decent amount of points," I began, a trace of disappointment in my voice.

'I'm not quite sure of how to feel,' I thought, 'I mean, I'm sure Izuku only lied for my sake, but shouldn't he feel close enough to me to trust me at this point? No, I'm just overreacting, all he wanted to do was look out for me,' I decided, feeling a bit better.

Izuku's frozen, worried expression stared into my eyes for a minute, causing the redness on my face to deepen. Even though it was only seconds, the awkward weight in the air felt like it lasted for years.

Out of nowhere, the boy hopped up, running over and sitting down in front of me.

"(Y/n), I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to lie to you - I just didn't want you to be sad or disappointed or anything-" he started to sniffle, tearing up a little. "And both you and All Might helped me train so much and I didn't want you two to be mad or anything, I mean All Might was going to find out no matter what, but I wanted to at least not think you wasted your time, and I haven't been able to contact All Might for weeks and I thought that maybe he gave up on me and I didn't want you to too and I know you're not really de-"

Only once I'd hugged Izuku did he notice I'd propped him on my bed next to me. His glossy eyes lit up as I smiled cheerfully.

'What was I ever worried about? He's the nicest friend I could ask for,' I thought, my heart finally slowing down. It was oddly comforting how warm he felt.

Shelter [Reader x Shouto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugou, Izuku Midoriya]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora