Chapter 5 ~ The Entrance Exams

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"Umm," Izuku mumbled, still in somewhat of a daze.

"It's you, crying, ten months ago!" All Might quickly reminded him. All Might straightened up as he put his phone away, his smile seeming more and more like a real smile. Studying Izuku's beat up, shirtless figure, All Might said, "Look how far you've come, such improvement!"

All Might pumped his fists and continued, "There's still a long road ahead of you before you can inherit my power set, but it's starting to look like you can do it!!"

I was so energetic from the endless atmosphere of hope, I started to swing my legs and lean back, almost dancing a little.

"All Might," Izuku whispered, looking at the palm of his right hand. He shivered, asking, "Do I deserve this?" His voice became a little stronger as he spoke, "Are you sure?" All Might patiently stood for a moment, waiting for any more thoughts. "You and (Y/n) put so much time and energy into helping me, how did I end up so lucky?"

He started to uncontrollably cry, but in a peaceful manner. Izuku was smiling, almost like he couldn't help himself, even in his state.

All Might simply laughed, a confused expression that clearly said, "Even after ten months, he's still worried about that?"

The bunny-eared hero patted Izuku on the back softly, brushing it off with, "It was your hard work that did this, not mine." He quickly turned the tables of conversation by announcing, "Now for your reward, Izuku Midoriya."

"Yes, Sir!" the enthusiastic boy burst. I had wished he saluted, which made me imagine him as a little, cute toy soldier.

Unexpectedly, All Might reached up to his right bunny ear and plucked a shimmering strand of golden hair.

He held it to his side while he went on, "Someone told me this once: there's a difference between being lucky and deserving. One's an accident; the other: a reward. Never get the two confused."

Izuku looked up at All Might with such wonder in his eyes, I couldn't stop grinning.

"Take that to heart, young man. This gift: you earned it with own valiant efforts."

Izuku's tear-stained face shifted in a fast motion from joyful and amazed to determined and ready.

'He looks so... heroic,' I noted, finding no word could describe him as perfectly as that.

They stood there silently, both of them taking in the moment. I felt like I was witnessing history in the making.

Izuku energetically nodded, his face retaining his purposeful complexion.

All Might slowly moved his right hand forward, his strand of hair squirming in his huge fingers. It felt like years as I sat, eagerly leaning downward to observe their conversation.

'This whole scene,' I thought, 'seems like it's what you would find in a comic book: an extraordinary, mysterious superhero kneeling down and training a quirkless "nerd" to become an amazing protector of the entire world. Even the weather decided to make this a special moment, the sunrise and beautiful, silent sky made for an unreal background. I almost expected lightning to strike as a moody chorus announced a new villain.'

It even seemed like the sun was watching them carefully as if they were up on some pedestal.

"Eat this," All Might ordered, shattering the whole buildup.

Although his serious and dramatic face was hilarious, the best part was Izuku's pale, confused complexion, completely taken back by shock. His eyes were wide and his lips barely parted, as still as a painting. He looked like he was gazing straight though All Might and his pathetic strand of hair.

Shelter [Reader x Shouto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugou, Izuku Midoriya]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz