Chapter 2 ~ More Action Than Anticipated

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"Katsuki, I'll be alright. I'm okay, you don't need worry anymore," I promised Katsuki, utilizing the split second of time I had to say what he needed to hear. Katsuki stopped fighting for a second, and, for just a moment, let everything sink in. In that instant, I was tugged back to my attacker, my torso being somewhat swallowed again.

"GOD DAMN YOU RAW SEWAGE-BASTARD!!" Katsuki barked, blasting roaring fire out from his palms, trying to burn through the slime. "DAMMIT (Y/N)!!" His fire switched back and forth between explosions and torch-like streams but nonetheless got stronger by the second.

'Thank goodness Katsuki's safe,' I thought, feeling peaceful for a brief while. After being assured that Katsuki isn't hurt, I was able to clear my head of any unnecessary thoughts.

Crap, I wish I could use my powers, but I need to be calm and focused to do that. If not, it'll go haywire and I might end up crushing Katsuki! I can't do anything until either someone helps me, or it calms down.' I thought, studying the situation in the most relaxed manner possible. 'I can't breathe, I was right! Izuku must have been feeling this before. Wait-Izuku! If the villain is here, Izuku must have been saved by another hero! At least he'll be safe.' Katsuki's massive explosions and raging fires attracted the attention of some pros nearby, prompting them to help.

It all happened so fast, I barely had time to think. Looking around, heroes swarmed the area: Desutegoro charged toward me saying something I couldn't hear, and came punching into the slime, only to be slapped away effortlessly, Backdraft made a water-wall, ensuring citizens don't get too close, and Kamui Woods ran around the fires, saving civilians from the danger. All the while smaller-time heroes dodged the slime's relentless attacks and strategized on how to save me. Meanwhile, Katsuki's blasts were damaging the slime; maybe permanently. At least, it didn't seem to be healing. Because of this, I was able to perk my head up enough to see all the action.

However, one of the smaller heroes forcefully picked up Katsuki, rescuing him and getting rid of some of the fire problems. I guess Kamui Woods wouldn't mix very well with fire, would he?

"YOU BASTARD, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!?" Katsuki protested, writhing. "PUT ME DOWN, YOU SHITHEAD! I'M GUNNA TORCH YOU TO PIECES!" he continued, bruising and burning the poor hero carrying him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone come to Katsuki with a needle and carefully inject something into him. Just moments later, he calmed and was driven away in an ambulance.

I had been only partly consumed at this point, but since Katsuki was gone, the slime's grip got tighter. In just a minute, I was about ready to pass out.

I could hear things going on all around me, but it felt like background noise to my screaming lungs. Almost ready to give up, I twisted and turned, debating whether to use my quirk in such a risky situation in my head. Looking around, I saw the fires were almost all gone, but I saw some down the street, spreading. Then, I saw Izuku.

Surprising me a bit, Izuku dashed toward me, obviously not thinking. Behind him was his burnt notebook, lying lifelessly on the ground. The heroes surrounding me gasped at Izuku's brave actions, astonished he mustered up the courage to be so idiotic.

"NO, YOU IDIOT! STOP, YOU'RE GOING TO GET YOURSELF KILLED!" Desutegoro warned, although ineffective.

"This brat again?!" the slime-thingy said, annoyed. At this point, he had almost swallowed my entire body, only a tiny hole left for me to see. "You're toast, kid!" the villain threatened, preparing to swing at Izuku. Before he could, though, Izuku propelled his backpack at the villain's face with a "Take this!".

The slime was thrown back, allowing for me to take a breath. I coughed harshly, as Izuku drew near.

"(Y/N)!" Izuku cried, trying to dig through the slime covering my arms.

Shelter [Reader x Shouto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugou, Izuku Midoriya]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat