" Nope you call him and text me what he says."

I heard her sigh, " Okay."

" I love you."

She laughed, " sure you do."

I waited a few minutes and she replied that they will both be there in 20.

I laid down and just start thinking. Thinking about Elizabeth message, Hunter well just being Hunter, how Christian was a guy I couldn't stand to be around but actually came to be a guy I had fun with.

" Lily, Mia and Will are here!"

I hopped out of my bed and went downstairs to finding Mia picking something out of Will's hair while he is trying to swat her hands away.

" Hey guys."

They looked up at me, " Hey."

" What are you doing to Will, Mia?"

She sighed after Will kept slapping her hands away, " Will fell outside and I swear I saw a little bug but if he wants bugs , okay."

Will came up to me and hugged me, " Shut up Mia , your the only bug around here."

I laughed and told them let's go upstairs.

" So Will what have you been up to?"

Maybe I'm just overthinking, it was probably just a friend... Nah

" Lily I saw you."

Oh shit, I thought I was pretty good at hiding.

Mia jumped in , " Saw what Will?"

" Lily saw me hugging Brian."

HA, we have a name folks! We have a name.

" Whatttt, I have no idea what your talking about."

He chuckled, " sure you do, he's just a friend well he sees me as a friend.

He started to look down.

" How come you didn't tell us Will? even if it's only a baby crush."

Mia nodded, " Yea and who wouldn't like you, he's probably just scared to tell you."

Will shook his head, " No guys listen, he has a boyfriend and they are " madly in love."

I felt bad for Will , he's a great guy.

" Awe I'm sorry Will, there are other cute people in the world, and I mean really cute."

Mia chuckled, "she isn't lying Will."

Will stood up and jumped on me and Mia, " Thank you guys, what would I do without you."

" Um probably die in misery."

He looked up and started tickling Mia and I. I was going to pee my pants.

" Okay... Will... we were kidding!"

He's stopped and walked out the room. Mia and I looked at each other and ran out.

We saw Nicks door open, oh no!

We hurried and walked in and found Will climbing over a sleeping Nick. He saw us and put a finger to his lips.

He laid down next to Nick and began rubbing Nick's hair. I grabbed my phone out and took a picture. The camera made a noise and Nick woke up.

Me and Mia froze.

" Hey bro."

He rubbed his eyes and Will was like a soldier laying so still.

" Hey Lily and Mia, why are you guys in here?"

" We were about to wake you up so you can go shopping with mom and dad."

He nodded, " wait, if you two are here, where is Will?"

Mia tried to hold in here laughter and pointed behind Nick.

Nick slowly turned around and his eyes went wide.


Will hurried and climbed out of Nicks bed , he gave Nick a kiss on the cheek and ran out.

Mia and I ran out too but I stopped when Nick called.

" Lily!"

I walked in and saw Nick rubbing his cheek,
" Keep Will on a leash please."

I wanted to laugh but nodded and ran out the room.


800 reads! I love you guys like wow

But here is chapter 11 , I thought to throw some Will and Nick 😂

But vote or don't , byee

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