Is This Real?

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"Firestar?!" I gasp.

"Yes it is me. Squirrelflight, I must warn you that we face a new challenge, you. You are too dangerous to the clans, you are a variable. You were born this way and it is shining out right now. Yellowocean is a terrible disease and the combination of you with Yellowocean is dangerous." Firestar replied.

"Why am I dangerous? What is a "variable"? Do you know the cure to Yellowocean and can you share it with us?" I ask.

"Patience, young one. Variables are a special kind of cat that are not picked by Starclan or even the Dark Forest. It does not come from the tribes in the mountains. There is something far older than us. The cats are the ancestors of Lionclan and Tigerclan and all the others. There are Snowclan, Sunclan, Flowerclan, and Leafclan. Every eon, all 4 of them agree on one cat to be chosen as a variable. This cat always has the option to destroy the world or change the world. By changing, I mean changing one big thing like The Clan Rules. They were chosen by a variable. Every variable is forgotten in the living but in Starclan have a bigger rank than the founders. That answers your first and second question. Your third question is tricky. Starclan knows the solution to Yellowocean but we can not tell you anything else. There are sets of rules even in Starclan called The Ten Tables(going a little Roman) and they state the cure to Yellowocean. They say though that one cat must go on a quest to the place of the most ancient clans to get the 4 ingredients. To get there, the cat must say the words,"the claw of the cat is the cat and the cat of the claw is the claw itself." Then, the cat must chop the ingredients into pieces and throw them into the lake. Every cat with the disease must drink from the lake and and go to sleep. In the morning, the disease will be gone. I must go soon so tell me your last question."

"Firestar, are you real? Is this a dream?"

"Yes, I must tell you to get ready in a week to go on your quest." Firestar said.

" I am going in the quest?"

Firestar grinned and he shimmered in the air before he disappeared. I woke up suddenly and ran out of the den."Leafpool! Leafpool!' I shout.

"What is it, Squirrelflight." She says sleepily as she walks out of the medicine cats den.

I tell her the whole story and she starts packing things up. She calls over Bramblestar and we go into the medicine cats den. Leafpool tells the whole story to Bramblestar and he looks astonished.

" A week. That is hardly any time at all! We need to tell the other cats!" Bramblestar cries.

"NO! Bramblestar, we can not tell anybody until the day Squirrelflight goes on the quest." Leafpool says.

"So I do have to go on the quest!" I say.

"DUH, SQUIRRELFLIGHT!!!!!" They both yell at me.

"Sorry." I say quietly.

(I literally did this part in an hour...50 minutes were about brainstorming. I can type really fast.)

TIME SKIP ( because who doesn't like a time skip?)


"Bye everybody!" I cry.

I go to the separate den everybody else made me. I say the magic words and I feel so sleepy. Like soooo sleepy. I curl onto the nest and I fall asleep. I say Good Night to no one in particular. When I open my eyes, I see snow. Endless snow and it was so cold. A blizzard was in the house and there were no signs of life. I pad through the snow quietly and sense a life force nearby. I stop and I am shocked to see it. It was a snow leopard! I am terrified and hide quickly before it can spot me. I hear a gruff voice behind it and see 2 more snow leopards!

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