The creepy real life "Men in black"

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This is Brent here.

The Men in Black are typically described as wearing black suits,being expressionless, cold, sinister and in some cases, inhuman. The Men In Black seem to only talk to two kinds of people, those who have seen a UFO and those who research UFO's. They present themselves as part of a secret organization, sometimes even producing a white card with a crest and the word security on it and in some cases they refer to each other by number, rather than name. They threaten and scare people into remaining silent about their UFO encounters and/or research. Think of them as the cleaners of the extra-terrestrial universe.

Brent: how much black do they actually wear? Do they look like the Men In Black that we see in the movies?

Ryan: we'll get into what they reeeally look like later

Brent: Once they pull apart their skin and an alien comes out

Ryan: *cough wheeze* okay

Now that you know the basics, here are the most terrifying reports of encounters with the Men in Black.

The first ever recorded experience with the Men In Black came from Harold Dahl in June, 1947. Harold Dahl was out on his boat in the Puget Sound, where he claimed he saw six giant doughnut-shaped objects in the sky. One of the objects fell apart, spilling debris that killed his dog and injured his son. He took photos of the debris, but said they were later fogged over by a men in black who told him not to speak of the incident.

Brent: they had donuts in 1947? How old are donuts?

Ryan: what?

Brent: you said he saw Donut-shaped objects in the sky.

Ryan: that's what you were thinking of when i was telling you that story?

Brent: hahah

Ryan: his dog died

Brent: yeah...

Ryan: ahh*wheeze* okay ahaha

The next incident comes from Robert Richardson in 1967. Robert Richardson reported that he collided with a UFO while driving at night in Toledo,Ohio. On impact, the object vanished, Richardson took home a small lump of metal that he believed was from the UFO. A week later, Richardson said he was visited by two men in black suits. He said the two men asked for the piece of metal from the site, but when Richardson informed them that he had turned it over for testing, they threatened him:
"If you want your wife to stay as pretty as she is, then you'd better get the metal back"

Richardson never heard from the men again and still has no idea how they knew about the metal.

The next encounter happened in New Jersey in 1968. Jack Robinson, a UFO researcher and his wife Mary were terrorized by a men in black, that would stand across the street from their apartment building. They reported their apartment to be rummaged through and after seeing the strange man for three days in a row, their friend Timothy Green-Beckley decided to get a closer look and manage to snap a picture.

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