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Colby's POV

I just finished my panel. Sam and the others went out front to meet some of the fans. I was to tired today so I went out the back entrance. I walk out the door and I hear crying and what seems to be a feminine voice, saying "Why" repeatedly. I walk over and see a girl that looks about my age. She has long brown hair, that is all tangled currently. She is wearing a pair of skinny jeans that are ripped with dirt and leaves all over them, along with a few blood stains on the jeans. It looked like she had fallen. She was also wearing a black t-shirt, with a gray hoodie. It had some rips in it, it also had some blood stains not as bad as the ones on her jeans though. She was wearing doc martins, as well as a black tattoo chocker. I walk over. I put my hand on her shoulder. She looks up at me she has bright green eyes, that look like shining emeralds. "Are you ok?" I ask very concerned.

Celeste's POV

"No." I simply say trying to control the water flow coming from my eyes. "What happened?" He asks as he sits down next to me.  I look up at him. Should I trust him? He is the only chance I have of finding help.... I have to! I take a deep breath. "I was hanging out with my family when someone broke into the house. They all told me to run, so I did. Then as I was leaving I heard them all scream and a ton of gun shots. I continued running." I start to cry more again. "I ran for a long time, and as you can see I fell a few times, I was running through the woods along a road. I then headed up towards the road. Then night came, so I went just a little into the forest and fell asleep against a tree. I woke up and could not find my way home, but I found this city and saw this place which had a lot of people, So I ran here. I tried asking people for help but they all ignored me then I came back here and started to cry, then you showed up." I say just barely being able to talk through my tears. He hugs me. "Hey, It will be ok if you want you can come to my house I can help you bandage up your cuts, then tommorow I can help you find your way home. Also I'm Colby by the way!" He says trying to sound sympathetic. "Oh, I'm Celeste and that sounds nice... Thank you!" I say as I stop crying. "Great!" He says smiling a little. He stands up and holds his hand out to me. I take it. We walk out to where a limo is waiting. There are already 5 people in it. Colby gets in, and motions for me to follow. I do so. "Hey, Colby? Who is this?" A guy with blonde hair asks. "Oh this is Celeste! She needs our help... I will explain in a minute. Also Celeste this is Sam, Corey, Devin, Jake, and Aaron!" He says introducing them. I wave. "Hi.." I say in a kinda sad tone. "So.... What happened?" Corey says honestly curious. Colby looks at me, his asking me if I want him to tell them. I nod and sigh. "Ok... So..." I tell them pretty much what I told Colby. "Omg Celeste...... I-I am so sorry.." Devin says scotching over to hug me. She hugs me and I hug her back. We have some small talk for the rest of the car ride.

*Time Skip*

We pull into the driveway, of a huge white pretty much mansion. Colby opens the door of the limo and everyone gets out. I stand there for a second in awe. "I'm glad you like it!" Colby says smirking a little. We all walk inside. "Hey if you come upstairs I can help you bandage up your wounds." Colby says. "Ok..." I say still kinda sad. "Oh and Celeste! I have some clothes you can borrow if you want!" Devin says. "Umm no offense but I don't think your clothes will fit me..." I say seeing that she is quite a bit shorter and thinner than I am. "Oh. Your Probably right....." Devin says giggling. "Ummmm it may be kinda wierd but you could borrow some of my clothes...." Colby says. "Yeah, that would probably work!" I say. He smiles and we both walk upstairs. He walks into his room. "Here!" he says handing me a pair of his black skinny jeans, a brown/gray v-neck, and a X P L R hoodie. "Thanks!" We go to the bathroom. "Hey you should probably shower to help get that stuff out of your hair, I will help you wrap your wounds." He says smiling. "Ok! Thanks!" I say smiling. He pulls out a towel and sets it on a counter. Then he leaves. I turn on the water.....

*Time Skip* (cuz I don't feel like describing this)

I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around me. I dry my hair. Then I get dressed, in the clothes Colby gave me. The jeans are a little loser on me that him, but they pretty much just look like normal jeans. The v-neck fits pretty normally, and the hoodie is a little baggy but it fits. I quickly find a hair brush and brush my hair. I open the door walking a little, then wincing at the pain in my leg and arm. I look up and see Colby in front of me. He gives me a weak smile. "Come on I'll help you." He says. He walks towards the bathroom, and I follow.  He motions for me to sit down on the counter, next to the sink. I listen and sit down. He rolls up my pant leg. He sees the cut, it's pretty bad. If the cut was any worse I would need stitches. "Damn Celeste, that's a pretty bad cut! how did you keep running?!?!" He asks kinda impressed and confused. "I honestly don't know, fear I guess." I say shrugging. He smiles a little. "Ok let me know if it hurts to much and I need to stop." He says as he grabs the gauze. He wraps in aroun my cut. I wince a little but not enough for him to notice. He takes some tape and secures the end of the wrap. Then he rolls up the sleeve of the hoodie and wraps the cut on my forearm too. After he finishes he smiles at me. "Thanks Colby!" I say hugging him. He hugs me back. "Your welcome!" He says. He backs up and offers me a hand to help me off the counter. I take it. "Hey, you probably need some rest. If you want you can nap on my bed, since downstairs tends to be kinda loud." He say giving me a kind smile. "Sure, Thanks." I say smiling back. He leads me to his room. "Well there you go! I am gonna go downstairs and check in with the guys!" He says walking towards the door. "Ok and thanks again!" I say smiling at him. "No problem" he say as he turns off the light and closes the door. I climb into his bed and fall asleep...

*Time Skip*

Colby's POV

I have been hanging out with the guys for hours. I am exhausted so I decide I want to go to bed. They all decide to stay up for awhile so I can't sleep on the couch. I walk up stairs and see that Celeste is still fast asleep in my bed. I guess I'll grab the sleeping bag from my closet and sleep on the floor. I walk over to my closet and grab the sleeping bag. I lay it out on the floor and plug my phone in and set a alarm for 7 am since I have to get up early if I want to take Celeste home, and make it to our panel at vidcon. Soon I fall asleep....

Ok to make up for the last chapter being so short I made this one extra long. Anyway sorry about grammar and spelling errors. I am really bad at that, but I am working on it, and I don't have time to put this chapter through grammarly (I know I am generic as fuck) so most chapters I will put through grammarly but not all of them.

Bye See Ya Later!!

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