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Celeste POV

I hear someone trying to break down the front door. A man with a mask over his face runs in with a gun. My family tells me to run. I run. I hear everyone scream and a ton of gun shoots. I continue running. Tears blurring my vision. I run and run and run. I keep running till night fall. I am next to a road on the edge of a forest. I walk into the forest a little. I sit down next to a tree. I lean back against a tree and close my eyes to rest...

*Time Skip*

I wake up. My eyes are crusty from crying myself to sleep. I Stand up. Oh shit I don't remember which direction my house is! I sigh and stand up. Well if I walk in some direction...I'm bound to find something! I walk back to the road. I continue walking.....

*Time Skip*

I have been walking for a few hours...I am starving! I see a city in the distance. I walk up to it. I see a huge building with a ton of people hanging out out side of it. My clothes are all ripped and my long brown hair is all tangled. I walk to the big building. "Hello.." I ask a random guy. He ignores me and pushes past me. "Can you..." I try and ask a women she just ignores me too. I continue trying to ask people for help but they all just ignore me. I walk to the back of the building. I sit down next to a dumpster. I start to cry. "WHY....WHy....Why...why..." I repeatedly ask myself. I feel someone put a hand on my shoulder. I look up. A guy about my age, he has brown hair, with a "swoosh" in the front. He also has piercing blue eyes. He is wearing ripped black skinny jeans and a black hoodie, that says "X P L R" (his merch but she does not know that yet) on it. He has his hand on my shoulder and is looking down at me. He crouches down next to me. "Are you ok?" He asks.....

Sorry for the short first chapter! But that seemed like a good place to stop and this was more of a prolog anyway...... So see you in the next chapter!

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