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The next day


I just left my doctor appointment the baby can hear and see light it's getting close to my due date cant wait to see my baby boy I just haven't got my names picked out. But this time I let august go wit my to my doctors appointment since trell went last time and plus I don't wanna leave him out of anything if he's the father.  But I just got home I opened the door and Kay and ken was here

Hey y'all, I said sitting my bags down

"Wassup Tatiana" Kay said looking at her phone

"Wussup sis" ken said walking up to me then gave me a hug

"Kendell come here boy" Kay said calling ken

Then I took off my shoes and went upstairs to my room and trell was changing Kayden diaper on my bed

Why you couldn't go to his room, I said as I walked in the door way

"What the doctor say slat" he said looking st me then back to Kayden

Oh I'm in the third trimester, I said sitting on the bed

"Draco sit down" Trell told Kayden

Come here baby, I said wit my arms out

"Naw you got him to fucking spoiled and he not no fucking baby" Trell told me

That's my baby aint that right, I said hugging Kayden

Then trell shook his head and walked off. Then I picked Kayden up then I walked downstairs

"Put his big ass down" Kay told me

Then I chuckled and put Kayden down then he started crying and Kay started yelling at him saying he's a cry baby and he need to stop I really got offend so I said something

He's ok this is his house And he's not a cry baby, I told her

"No he to big to be doing all that shit" Kay spat

My son is fine, I said then rolled my eyes looking off

"No he's not Tati you have to break him" Kay told me

I don't have to do shit I'm raising him, you can't tell me how to raise him when you did a fucked up job raising yours, I spat

"Bitch Whatchu tryna say" Kay said standing up

Don't tell me how to raise my son, I spat rolling my next

"What y'all arguing about" Trell said walking downstairs

Yo mom call Kayden a cry baby so I said something an—-

"You need to get ha before I do" Kay told trell cutting me off

"Why What she do" Trell asked her

"Yo da one who was in the wrong ma you called my son a cry baby and you think his momma wasn't gone say nothing" Trell spat picking up Kayden

"I'm just bout to go" Kay said picking up her purse

You don't never have to worry about my kids, I told her

"I never was" Kay said wit a smirk

Wow get the fuck out my house, I yelled at her

"Why would you say that" Trell asked his mom

"Fuck y'all" Kay said walking off

"Come on ken" Kay yelled walking out the house

Then I took Kayden from trell and walked off and went upstairs to my room

"Man my moms a trip" Trell said walking in the room

Yeah that's fucked up what she said but ion give a fuck me and my will be out of y'all life, I said looking off

"What the fuck I do" Trell said sitting on the bed

I'm so tired of everything and everybody, I told him

I swear since people found out I was pregnant everybody just been stressing me, I said lookin down about to cry

Then trell wrapped his arm around my waist and hugged me then I turned towards him and hugged him back wit my face on his shoulder then he put his face on my neck and starting kissing me then I started getting butterflies and I pushed him off me and looked at kayden Who was looking at us

"Go downstairs wit yo uncle" Trell told Kayden

Ken left, I told him

"Naw he stayed" Trell said smiling at me

"Go downstairs Draco" Trell said again

Then he got up and ran out the room and trell got up and closed the door. As he was walking back towards the bed he took off his shirt

Ion know why you taking off yo clothes for we not doing nun, I said looking at him

"Come on T" he said pulling my legs so I would lay down

I smiled at him then he pulled my pants down then he got on the side of me because of my bump and we made out for a minute or two, then he took off my shirt revealing my titts since I didn't have on a bra.

Ok milk gone come out, I told him as he sucked them

He chuckled then shook his head and stopped and pulled his boxers down and I took off my panties

Ouuu, i moaned as he put the tip in

As he stroked me it felt so good cause I haven't had sex in 7-8 months. But the whole time he was stroking me though he was looking me in the eyes the whole time but I had my eyes half way rolled in the back of my head but I could tell he was looking.

About 10-15 minutes later

"Ah shit Tati I'm bout ta cum" Trell said going harder

"Damn yo shit wet" Trell said pulling out

"Damn it's still coming out" Trell said looking at my vagina

Omg my water just broke, I said as I felt the wet spot on the bed

"Hell Naw" he said looking close at the puddle

Trell help me it's still coming out, I told him getting off the bed

Then he just looked at me then I was about to walk off then that's when he ran off and grabbed me a towel I put the towel between my legs and walked to my dress and grabbed a pair of Trell boxers then I walked to my closet and grabbed trell Nike sweats and put on my UGG pink boots: then I walked downstairs Trell was getting Kayden ready and ken was already dress so he was just sitting in the couch

"Come on" Trell told ken looking at me smiling

ken helped me to the car cause Trell didn't care he was more worried about me wearing his sweat pants then me. But trell jet us to the hospital.

Y'all comments what names should Tati name the baby 💙💚 before tonight for the new update 💙💙

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