Fn everything

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2 months later


I just left the trap house now I'm driving to Tati house to pick up Kayden. I pulled up in the driveway and parked behind Tati black bmw, because some blue Mercedes Benz car was parked next to hers. I walked up the stairs and opened the door.

"Oh hey trell" Tati said walking past

Where Draco, I said walking behind her

"he's in his room playing" she said then walked towards the kitchen

"Yayyyy" kayden said running down the hall

"Daddy" kayden said running to me

You have fun, I asked Kayden

"Yeah daddy" he said laughing

"Kay monster" some dude yelled

Then some light skin nigga walked in the kitchen

"Oh wassup" he said looking at me

Wassup slat, I said looking at Him then Kayden

"Oh this is Kayden Dad Kentrell, this is august my friend" Tati said introducing us

"Wassup" august 🙄 said sitting on a stool

"I'll go get Kayden bags ready" Tati said then sipped her drink

You wanna go pick out some toys Draco, I asked Kayden

"yeah" he said bouncing in my arms

I followed Tati up the stairs to Kayden play room she walked to the closet and I sat kayden down and then walked to the closet

Who is this clown, I asked Tati

"He's not a clown.! His name is august and he has a REAL payING JOB" Tati semi yelled

You got this nigga around my son, I yelled at her

"This is my House" she yelled at me

This is our son Tatiana, I yelled back grabbing Kayden clothes

She walked pass me and stomped out and walked to Kayden

"Come on Kayden" Tati said picking him up

I followed her downstairs to the front door and she gave Kayden a hug and kiss then august 🙄 came in the front room and Kayden ran to him

"Bye Kayden" he said hugging him

"Come on Kayden you have to leave. August gonna be here when you get back" Tati told him

"Bye" he said running off

He ran pass me and went to the car. I slammed the door and drove us to my momma house.


Me and august put on matching Ralph Lauren outfits and we went to the movies to go see forever my girl. I had to use the bathroom so I whispered in august was the walked out the door. I got to the bathroom and took care of my business then I washed my hands. As I dried my hands Chelsea walked in the bathroom.

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