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3 days later


Im driving to pick up the boys from Tati she had them over the weekend. I pulled up in the driveway I seen ben and baby joe car here I got out the car then jania followed me to the door

"Wassup slat" baby joe said opening the door

Shit, I said walking in the house

"Hey joe" jania said looking at him

"Daddy" tay tay said running to me

Wassup dude go get your stuff, I told him

"Hi nene" he said hugging jania

"Hey boo" she said hugging him back

"Kentrell come here" Christal said looking at me

I be back, I told jania

"Ok" she said walking off

I followed Christal to the back room, she sat on the couch and I sat next to her. She turned towards me and looked at me and then said

"You have to promise me something" she said grabbing my hand

Promise you what, I asked her

"Promise you that... you will keep this a secret" she said looking my eyes

I promise you, I said looking in her eyes

"I was talking to Tatiana and sh——

"Mommy Andrew here" Aaliyah said walking in the room cutting Christal off

"Oh ok baby here I come" she said standing up

"I'll tell you later" she told me

I shook my head and walked to the front room jania was siting in the front room wit baby joe and Ben. Then Taylor and Tati walked in the front room yes I said Tati walked in the house! I looked twice then I started smiling

When this happened, I said smiling harder

"Last week" she said smiling back

"Hi daddy" kayden said looking up at me

Wassup dude.. Congrats, I said hugging Tati

"Thanks" she said hugging me back

I let go and she looked up at me and was about to say something but jania walked up to us and hugged me.

"Oh your here to pick up the boys" Tati said looking down

Yeah, I said looking at her then jania

"I'll go get there things" Tati said walk-ing off

"That's good she can walk" jania told me

Yeah, I said looking back at Tati

I went to the front room to talk to ben and baby joe

"Three on his way here" ben told me

I'm bout to go, I told them

"Why you leaving we all bout to chill here" baby joe told me

Man jania don't wanna be here, I told them

"She can go home" ben spat

"Excuse me? Yb is coming home wit me" jania spat

Man ion gotta go! But imma go home wit her, I told them

"Man Christal bout to cook and everything" ben told me

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