Chapter 6: Pray to the Lord

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Ever since Rocky's first meal with the Patrol, he would always ask everyone to say grace before they began to eat. Rocky's mother always made him and Stone do the same, so Rocky wanted to continue the tradition.

Rocky and the others were all sitting at the dinner table, waiting for their meal to arrive. Tonight's dinner was being cooked by Rubble and Skye, who both enjoyed cooking.

"Hey Rocky?" Marshall broke the silence.

Rocky looks up from his thoughts, "What's up?" he responds cheerfully.

"I was wondering why you always asks us to pray before the meal?" Marshall asks shyly.

Rocky understood the question, he never really explained his relation with the lord before. "Well, when it was me, Stone, and our mother she would always have us pray before every meal. That is, when we could find a meal of course." he answers, trying to keep a straight face.

"Oh... I'm sorry for asking." Marshall apologizes, "I didn't mean to-."

Rocky felt strangely comfortable talking to people (he knew) about the past. "No, don't be sorry." he interrupted. "You had a question, so I answered it." he smiles.

"What were they like?" Ryder asks from the seat right next to Rocky. "Your mom and little brother?"

Rocky remembered everything about his family, "My Brother Stone, he has always full of joy and looked at the good things in life. He always made up the funniest story's, whenever something went wrong he would always step in to help. My mom was an amazing dog, she always thought of me and Stone before her own heath. Mom taught us about the lord and Jesus, she said to always respect Gods name and to pray every night. She always had a special way of saying I love you." Rocky explains to the others, who seem to find interest in the story.

"It sounds like you had a great family." Zuma says with a sad voice.

Rocky looks over at him, "What about you Zuma?" Rocky asks hoping to get a more positive response from him. "What was your family like?"

Zuma looks up, he frowns and looks back down at the table. "I never knew my family, I can't remember anything before Ryder saving me from the streets." Zuma says as tears form in his eyes, "I would give anything to know who they were."

Rocky stands to his feet, he walks over to the sad pup. Rocky gives Zuma a hug witch is followed by the rest of the pups and Ryder coming in for the hug. Soon it was one big dog pile, plus human.

Zuma clears his throat as everyone pulls from the hug, but before anyone moved, they all made sure he was feeling better, "Thanks guy's, I don't know what came over me." he says as everyone sits back in there spots, Skye and Rubble return to the kitchen but Rocky stays right where he is.

"I know what you mean." Rocky says, Zuma looks up at him. "I don't know what it is like to never have a mom, but I do know what it's like to have everything taken from me. So if you ever want to just sit and talk about it, please tell me and I will stop everything I'm doing and we can talk. Ok?" Rocky offers, crouching on one knee to Zuma's level.

Zuma smiles brightly, "Really?" he asks. "I don't want to invade your time."

Rocky stands to his feet, "Non-sense, you helped me become more comfortable near water. It's the least I can do." he says as he returns to his seat. "Even though I still ha..."Rocky stops and looks over at Skye who is pulling tamales out of the oven. "I still... dislike water."

Zuma raises an amused eyebrow, he looks over at her as well. "I'm not he only one who could need a take, hu?"

Rocky puts one paw behind his is head and chuckles, "Yeah, your probably right about that." he says, then he looks at Chase who sat between them on the opposite side of Ryder, playing his Nintendo games and paying no attention to the world. Rocky frowns in annoyance. Skye is in the kitchen making YOU a meal, and your just going to sit there unappreciative. He thought.

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