Chapter 1: A Rocky Beginning Experiment 3.0

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Rocky thinking

Me explaining

"Normal conversation"


I can barely remember the last time I had seen the sun. Rocky thought to himself while standing in the corner of his room. I remember playing on the beach and laughing as my brother tried to catch me. I remember the professor taking me to his lab after my brother died. The Professor said "You are the future of the world, you and 8 other pups". I thought maybe one day I could meet these other pups and we could be friends and be happy. But that was a long time ago and no one said changing the world was painless. The torture I had Indored has changed me, including the high voltage of electricity and painful whips to the back as the professor thought this would speed up the mutation prosses. I was once a friendly and cheerful pup, and now I'm just a hardened mutant of a dog and a human with absolutely no reason to live at all. I have nothing left, I don't even have my arms or mouth because of the straitjacket and mullet I'm stuck with, from a desperate and violent attempt to escape. All the scientists fear me and refuse to test me, which is actually a good thing if you think about it. 

After another moment of silence, the bulletproof door to his room opens. Rocky looks to see who dared to step into his room. A small, red hair girl with a white lab coat and blue jeans walks in the room with a smile on her face like she isn't scared of Rocky at all.

Lilly, it's been so long, Rocky thought, a bolt of joy hit Rocky's crumbling heart.

"Good Morning Rocky, I mean Experiment 3.0", she jokes with a cheerful voice. "I hope your hungry, I brought plenty for seconds." She was about 12 human years old, she was also the one who took care of Rocky and played with him when the professor had to go to work someplace else, she helped Rocky learn to speak and teach him every happy thing he knows, which is now vary hard to see after everything he had to go through.

Rocky's whole world lit up when he saw her face, but then felt guilty for her to see him like this, he then examined the food in Lilly's hands from where he stood, as always, it was the same mushy, watered down dog food, and dirty sink water Rocky had to eat as punishment for his attempted escape. After changing to half human, Rocky's taste buds had changed as well as his expire time, so it is now clear that he would live just as long as a human can.

Lilly skips over to Rocky and lies the food on the floor, at the same time, Rocky settles himself there as well. Lilly quickly removes the mullet from his mouth, as it drops to the floor in front of the food bowl, Rocky gasps for air from the mullet being so tight. Rocky is a bit bigger than Lilly.

"Hi Lilly", Rocky finally says in a dry voice.

"Oh, you must be thirsty." she says as she lifts up the cup of water to his mouth, which he excepts.

Rocky exhales with relief "Thank you" he says. He looks down at his so called meal and he suddenly felt sick to his empty stomach. Just the sight of the meal was plenty to make Rocky throw up.

"You didn't think I was going to let you get stuck eating that, did you?" Lilly says with a spring in her voice.

Rocky looks up in confusion, What could she mean by that? Did she bring something else, or is she just trying to make me feel better? Ether way, I have to be grateful for the privilege of eating at all. 

Lilly could probably tell what Rocky was thinking just by the look on his face. Lilly reaches into the right side of her lab coat and pulls out a snickers bar.

Rocky looks up at her with worry. "Are you sure?" he asks, "Won't the professor get mad if he sees you feeding me chocolate? I don't want you to get in trouble because of me again." Rocky remembered why he had to wear a mullet in the first place.

MEMORY: Rocky and Lilly were playing tag in the hallway of the lab, a scientist named Dr. Nift walks down the hall and comes to a stop in front of them.

"Come on Lilly, your father says it's time to go home." says the scientist with a rushing and harsh voice.

"But I want to stay here and play with Rocky some more, haha that rimes." Lilly says looking at Rocky.

"Now I'm not going to argue with a little girl, NOW COME ON!" Dr. Nift grabs Lilly by the arm and yanks her away from Rocky's grip of her hand.

"Bye Lilly" Rocky says in a low and sad voice then go's to turn to his room when suddenly...

"NO OW YOUR HURTING ME OW OW!" Lilly screams in pain trying franticly to loosen the doctors grip.

Rocky turns and runs strait at Dr. Nift's arm and without thinking twice he bits it and squeeze's down his teeth strait into the bone braking the doctors arm,  giving Rocky his first taste of human blood.


Lilly puts one finger on her lips with a smirk. "Shhhh, I know daddy says not to feed you any candy but your my best friend, and friends help each other." she says and unwraps the snickers bar.

There is no reason arguing, even if the candy was in it's rapper, Rocky could smell how delicious it smelled. Rocky opens his mouth and takes a bite, chews, and swallows. "Um... do you have a book we could read together?" Rocky asks with a hopeful smile.

Lilly also smiles with that look that always made him feel happy inside. "Sure I did silly, you know I always bring us books." 

Neither Rocky or Lilly could read, but they always looked at the pictures and made their own stories because they thought that was more fun anyways.

I was wrong, Lilly makes me happy, so as long as she is with me I do have a reason to live. Rocky admitted to himself right before...

"LILLY!" Shouts a recognizable voice from the doorway which caused both of them to jump. The professor marches right up to Lilly, staring at the candy bar in her hand as she recovers from the sudden moment.

"Daddy... I was... we were just..." Lilly struggles to try to come up with an excuse. Lilly's father was like a monster when he was mad, it always made Lilly terrified of him.

I'm not letting her get in trouble again. "It was me professor." Rocky lies, making the professor look at him with cold eyes and a betrayed look on his face. "I told Lilly to bring the candy because I'm sick of this crap, don't blame her for something she didn't do".

"Rocky n~!" Lilly starts but is interrupted by the professor.

"You should have thought of that before you broke Dr. Nift's arm, Rocky, you are nothing but trouble. I can't believe you put my own flesh behind my back, after every thing I did for you!" the professor argues in a hurt voice as he forces Lilly out of the room.

Rocky quickly stands and looks at the professor. "Do you even know why I bi~ hey let go o~ mmm mmmm!" he starts but is cut off when three guards grab him and force the mullet back over his snout.

"It's just about clear that Experiment 3.0 has failed, which means I have no choices but to put you down! I will be back in three weeks to finish you once and for all." the professor finishes and leaves Rocky once more alone in his room.

That's it, Rocky thinks as he falls to the ground. No more waiting to be free, I need to get out of this place, but first I need a plan. Rocky sets himself on the wall once more to make his plan of action. Ok, so I don't have my arms but I can still run but the exit is going to be guarded so I'll need to train myself to fight with only using my lower body, the exit is only down the hall so getting to there will probably be the easiest part. My best chance of leaving my room will be to run for it at my next meal time, but if I do that the guards will be on my butt before I'm even in the hall so if I can manage to sneak the key, somehow with out hands/paws, from the food guy I will be able to unlock the door and sneak right out unnoticed. I only have three weeks to train so I can't waste a moment. I will probably never see Lilly again so I have no other choice, I'm going to miss her so much. Rocky starts to tear up but quickly stands and shakes them away, no time for tears, right now I have to prepare my escape, it's going to be a long three weeks. But one question stuck in Rocky's mind, why would it take three weeks for the professor to finish him off?

Please tell me what you think of my writing skills because this is the first time I ever wrote a story. I know my grammar sucks but I'm getting better. It feels great to finally have the opportunity to write. 

PAW Patrol Book One: From the Beginning (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें