Gas - Part 12

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"R..." Holtzmann muttered, trying to form words. Trying to creating any type of sound. This voice that came through the darkness, was the cause for all of this. They're the horrible monster that's electrocuting Abby.
They where playing games, horrible, cruel games. Holtzmann, focused on the screen in front of her. Watching her friends, unable to help as Abby screamed out in pain.
Holtzmann, wasn't Holtzmann anymore. She was a floating vapour. With memory problems and the issue of fading away for long periods of times. She had no idea, what time of day it was or what the date was. She'd even forget who she was at times, and even worse how she managed to become a ghost. But right now, as Abby is screaming out in pain, as another electricity shot shoots through her body, Holtzmann remembers everything.

"Does this hurt?" She heard the doctor say for the tenth billionth time. Erin sighed, "No." she said again, as the doctor prodded and pocked her head. They where worried she'd injured her head when she collapsed.
After another five minutes the doctor gave up and left. She returned to her bed, sitting up leaning against the pillows. Then the door opened again. "Hey, Erin it's me again. I brought food." She sees the brown paper bag and instantly her stomach rumbles.
"You don't have to bring me food." She says, but instantly regrets it. She was so hungry.
"Patty, said to look after you and that's what I will do. She said she'd make sure I looked after your every need. Or there'd be consequences."
"She does have a point. You've screwed me over before."
"That's true but we're meant for different paths in life. You hunt ghosts, I don't."
"That's right Phillip. I hunt actual real life ghosts, that you didn't believe existed until they invaded New York."
"Okay, I know I did wrong. I'm sorry, but please understand I didn't mean to hurt you, we're just not made for each other."

Patty walked into the police station, walking up to the desk. That's when she heard it. "When there's something strange in your neighborhood..." Patty, clenched her jaw. "Who you gunna call?" She felt her anger grow. But then the music stopped and she could audibly hear someone say, 'Hello.' She sighed, it was someone's ring tone.

After a short wait time, she got led into an interview room. Where she sat opposite the two officers that came to the fire station. "We believe we have a lead, however, I don't think you're going to like it."
"We've been looking high and low over New York, without any leads. We where about to give up when we found something. A phone. Abby's phone to be exact."
"You did?!" Patty, was surprised but relieved.
"We've set up a search party around three miles of that area. We'll expand the search further if we don't find anything." Patty, raised her eyebrow expecting them to give more information. But they didn't. Patty felt pain in her chest.
"So what you're saying is that I've come all the way down here, to the station, to be told you've only found her phone."
The female officer sighed,"That's why we said you might not like it."
"Oh don't get me wrong I'm over the moon and so relieved you've found one form of lead. But couldn't you have called me and told me this informa-" Patty is cut off by the sound of music.
"When there's something strange-" the male officer went and reached for his phone out his pocket.
"CAN YOU TURN THAT FUCKING NOSE OFF!" Patty screamed, she had it. She was bubbling with rage, she hated that song and she hated people that wasted her time.

What happened to the group? The group of four that saved New York? The ghostbusters?
A little bit of poisonous gas and that's one dead.
A little bit of a long walk and that's another kidnapped.
A little bit of emotion and that's another hospitalized.
A little bit of torment and that's another angry.

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