A yes

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Holtzmann's POV
"So how exactly does one fire a proton gun?" The new ghostbuster asks.
"You press," Holtzmann moved closer to the new woman, pointing at the trigger,"here."
The other woman nods and Holtzmann moves back.
"Fire." Holtzmann says excitedly and the women does. The proton stream firing out and hitting the target directly.
"Woo!" Holtzmann shouts, the other women laughs, turning off the pack.
"You're a really good shot." Holtzmann smiles wide, moving to help the ginger haired recruit to take off her pack.
"Thanks." The women giggled, removing her arms from the straps.
"Hey, Annabel." Erin's voice echoes down the ally way.
Both women turn to see Erin walking towards them.
"Oh hey, Erin." Annabel says waving.
"Saw the shot from the window, thought I'd come down and congratulate you." Erin says.
"Oh wow you didn't have to." Annabel, pulled out her hair tie.
"But its better than my first so I thought I would." Erin, leaned against the allay way wall.
"So Annabel I will design you a surprise weapon and then we will continue training once that's done." Holtzmann says flashing a wide smile, the proton pack in her arms.
"Oh that's sounds great!" Annabel says, smiling directly back at Holtzmann.
"So, you can go now. I'll call you when it's done." Holtzmann says with a wink. Annabel just giggles.
"Okay, good I have friend to meet anyways." Annabel starts walking off, "Bye guys!" She says before turning the corner. Then she's gone.
Erin sighed. Annabel was great for the team but Erin disliked how she acted around Holtzmann but she couldn't tell anyone that.
"So Erbert what's wrong?" Holtzmann asks, placing down the proton pack, resting against a wall.
"What?!" Erin says slightly startled.
"You've been quiet lately, somethings bothering you." Holtzmann says, pointing accusingly at her.
"What? N-nothing's bothering me" Erin states, standing up from her lean.
"Ah their you, go a stutter." Holtzmann raises her eyebrow, still pointing at Erin.
"Holtz I'm fine!" Erin says, trying to hide the truth.
"No you're not." Holtzmann says, taking a step towards Erin, "you haven't been since Annabel joined the team."
"I haven't got anything against her." Erin says defensively.
"Okay, but there is something you don't like." Holtzmann says lowering her hand, knowing she was getting somewhere.
"Well." Erin says with a shrug. She dropped her eye contact looking at the floor.
"Erin, what is it? I'm not going to tell her if you don't want me to." Holtzmann, takes another step forwards and they become awkwardly close.
"Holtz-" Erin sighs, bringing her eyes back up to meet the engineer. "It's just the way she acts around you."
"Wait what?!" Holtzmann says, bringing her eyebrows together. Then they rise with her jaw going wide. "Oh my god." Holtzmann says excitedly. Erin just gulps.
"Do you think she likes me?" Holtzmann asks and Erin goes pale. That was not the response she wanted.
"Oh umm..." Erin gulps, feeling sick.
"That would be amazing if she did. Like she's cute." Holtzmann, smiled. Erin couldn't keep herself from her tears. She quickly dropped her eyes to the floor, steeping back from Holtzmann.
"Wait Erin what's wrong?" Holtzmann asks, as Erin raises her hand to wipe away a tear.
"N-nothing." Erin sniffles.
"Erin, why are you crying?" Jillian, asks moving forward. She rests a hand on her friend's shoulder. The other under Erin's chin, lifting her head up to look at her. "Erin what's wrong?" She ask so soothingly that Erin melts. She didn't think about it she just did it. Her lips connecting with Jillian's. Just quickly, and ever so softly. Erin pulls away, looking Holtzmann into her eyes.
No words are spoken, Holtzmann just stares. Then ever so slowly she moves forwards. Connecting there lips again. This time passionately. Her hands moving to around Erin's neck. Erin's to around her waist. Slowly, they move backwards, until Erin's back hits the wall.
Lips, dancing. Holtzmann's tongue asking for entrance. Erin in return biting softly on the other woman's lip, earning a moan.

"I knew it!" They hear a shout and jump apart. Patty and Abby where watching from the window above.
"You owe me five!" Patty laughs with Abby laughing with her.
The laugher comes to an end gradually, then Abby says, "We'll leave you two love birds to it" then they both disappear.

Holtzmann turns to face Erin, who is blushing a dark shade of red. Holtzmann bites her lip then speaks, "Erin I'm sorry." She says quietly.
"Sorry for what?" Erin asks.
"For not realising. For being a dumbass and hurting you." Jillian explains. Erin just nods.
"Erin do you- do you want to be my girlfriend?" Holtzmann smiles and Erin smiles back.
"I've wanted to be your girlfriend for so long now." Erin begins, moving closer to the blonde women. She grabs a hold of the hem of her jacket, "That my answer most certainly is-" Erin presses her lips against Jillian's. "a yes." She whispers pulling back.

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