21 chapter:Snow ❄

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~Still (F\N) P.O.V
"I will call her...no i won't get embarrassed again...Jeff what do you think?" I asked him
"Yeah,Yeah whatever..."
" Are you even listening to me ? "I asked him mad
"What did you say?"
"Uhh Jeff?!"
" What?! "
"If you were on my place would you call (Y\N) again?"
" After that?! "
"After what?!"
"After you called them in middle of...you know"
"And what?!"
" I wouldn't call them... "
" Ok,ok i wouldn't call her! "
"Ok thanks I'll call her!"
" I said...ugh whatever... "
I called her again
" Oh...hi"She said
"You aren't in...middle of something?"
" Nope...not anymore "
" Yeah I am getting my clothes on why? "
"Uhh whatever but can we meet in cafe?"
" Ok wait a second... "
I heard her and Offender talking
"Hey daddy can I go outside to play?" I heard her asking Smexy
"~Ok you can go...and don't talk to strangers~" He said chuckling
"Thanks you are best!Bye master"
"~Bye baby~"
"Ok i am coming to cafe see ya there!"
" Ok bye"
Your P.O.V
We met in the cafe named "MOONWALK"
" I really like this cafe! "She said
" Yes me too...And what do you want to talk about? "
"I wanna sorry..."
"For what?"
" For everything...gossiping,disturbing you and Smexy in tour game...and because I am jerk... "
"Awww yes you are jerk but you are my bestie jerk..."
We hugged...... we drank some coffee and we went to park
"It looks like it's going to rain..." I told her
"I know better go to mansion..."
"Yes"I agreed with her for first time in my life
" You know that is Offender Mansion is closer than Slender mansion you can come in with me... "
"I was there once and i don't want  twice "She answered
" Please!!!I asked her with puppy eyes "
"You know i can't say no to those eyes..."
"Smexy is changing you..." She said sadly
"No he is not!"
"Yes he is!"
"You'll see"
~Time Skip ~
"~Hi kitten and....(F\N)?~" He said confused
"I brought her here because it's snowing"
" ~You  said it's snowing?!~"
" ~We are going to my brother again...~"
"Really?!" I asked happily
"~Yes because every year when it's snowing I am going to my brother because we play games like secret Santa... ~"
" You really play that"(F\N) asked
"Ok then I think we are going now..."

Sorry for short chapter

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