Chapter 22: Storm vs. Bobbi (part 2)

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"Lighting ice blade". Storm slashed at Bobbi. "Hehe you missed me". Bobbi laughed grabbing Storm by the arm and spinning him in the air, Bobbi let go of Storm. As he went flying a portal up. "So its finally happening my daughter and my son are finally fighting each other". A deep voice said with blue flames around him. "Just give up honestly though Storm for a demon like you I thought you would have put more of a fight up guess I was wrong and now I have to kill you". Bobbi laughed. "Just because you have the taste foe blood just because you are a demon doesn't mean you can't have human feelings". Storm said grunting in pain. "Bobbi just finiah him". The man yelled. "So you tell me, you're family but you were never there when I needed someone, Storm stood up leaning against a rock. "You never wanted a family anyways and Storm demoms like you and me aren't supposed to care for anyone you're a demon have a taste for human blood take that girls you know you have a hard time you can smell it you can feel it you can hear her heart beating can't you". Bobbi said. "I'm not like you I am going to be the first wizard and a hero at most you can't stop me". Storm yelled then hit Bobbi in the stomach.
  "You're strong can I just join you two?". Bobbi asked. "What after you just tried killing him?!?!" Natashi yelled. "You can join us but don't you dare try crossing me because I am ad just strong as you maybe even stronger". Storm said. "You can't be serious Storm". Natashi said. "It'll be fine I'll be okay with her anyways". Storm said. "Now let's get going we have to get around the villages and let them know about who we are the new wizards better than the old generation". Storm smiled. "He has a lot of amabiton doesn't he?". Bobbi asked Natashi "You don't even know half of it I can't figure it out but for some reason he never gave up on training  when he was a kid he wouldn't do very well his family abandoned him he felt alone the village we livein treats him like a monster". Natashi said to Bobbi.

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