Information for Authors

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Are you in need of an editor to help with your current story? Are you looking for someone to help you with grammar, punctuation, and spelling? Or are you hoping to find someone who will give you honest feedback on your plot line, character development and overall writing style?

Then look no further. WattyEditingService is the place to go for any and every editing need. We employ over fifty staff editors that are here to help you.

So how does this process work? Well, for starters, we need to know who you are. In order to match you with an editor, we need to know all of the following information…

Your Username:

Title of your book:


Rating of book: [G, PG, PG-13, or R]

Do you want your editor to work with you by email or PM?

If email, please provide an email:

Is the story completed or in-progress?

Do you have a preferred editor?
(Names and qualification of each WES editor are listed in the following chapters)

Any additional information:

Please send us a completed copy of this form in an email to and then we’ll do the rest. We’ll either get you in contact with your requested editor or one who meets the individual needs you have.

Still have questions? We have answers!

Q: Who do I contact to get my story edited?

A: Complete the form listed above and email it to

Q: What type of stories do you accept?

A: Any type. Although our editors may differ in what genre and ratings they desire to work with individually, together our staff covers the spectrum. We can find the fit for you!

Q: How are our editors categorized?

A: They are categorized as Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior editors. After testing each editor, they are assigned a category based on their skills in sentence structure, grammar and punctuation.

Q: Do our editors do more than simply edit?

A: Yes! You tell us what you need and we'll work to meet it. We can give feedback on plot lines, character development, or anything else you ask.

Q: Can I request a specific editor?

A: Absolutely. Chapter 3 gives an overview of each editor based on editing level and the chapters thereafter contain information on each individual editor.

Watty EditorsWhere stories live. Discover now