Senior Editor: HollyDean

2.6K 114 60

Name: (alias) HollyDean

Level of editing: Senior

Genres you accept: Any

Age: Twenty-something

How often you go on Wattpad: Multiple times per week

Ratings you accept: Any

Do you do edits by email or PM? I am flexible to whichever is preferred by the author. Personally I find email to be a bit easier than PM however. Although, I recently discovered Google Documents which is quickly becoming a preference with how convenient it is.

Something about me: I am a college graduate with a bachelor's in Marketing. I work full time as an office manager in the health-care field. I also own my own letterpress printing studio. In my spare time I act/dance/sing with a musical theater company in my area. As I'm sure most of you will say, I love to read. My other loves include music, dancing, event planning, and of course, my husband.

What kind of Editor I am: I am an A-type personality perfectionist. Thus, as an editor, to say I am thorough might be a bit of an understatement. I give more than 100% of my time and attention to whatever I'm doing – so be prepared to be overwhelmed by the amount of feedback and comments I'll most likely give you. That being said, I can promise that my comments will always be in a positive and constructive manner. I enjoy helping authors develop their individual talents and explore their creativity. I believe the more comments, questions, input and such I can give you the more you will be challenged and can grow.

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