The Dragon Book

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The beetle lay they're taking its last breath. All confused with the sorrow of its doing. The Beatle had hurt many other bugs. He had no companions anymore. No one to keep him company. an ant looked at the Beatle with sad eyes. "I'm sorry" it was all the Beatle could say. And as the Beatles took its final breath he could have sworn he heard 

"I forgive you."

Ellie snapped the book close. Tears in her eyes. Why did they have to make such sad endings? Ellie had just finished her favorite book. It was about a Beatle who's life was filled with greed and no friends. But by the end, the Beatles had made a single friend called the Ant.

"Rat, come down here!" That was her call. Ellie had been up since five. She couldn't shake the weird dreams she had been having ever since she got the necklace. (Yet, she still wore it proudly.) Some dreams were replays of her parents died others had a silver egg that called for her. telling her to grab the egg. But she could never reach anymore no matter how hard she tried. Ellie had gotten beaten when she got home the day Katy Jenkins gave her the necklace.
As Ellie headed downstairs she put her white hair into a messy bun. Ellie lived in the smallest room of the house. It had enough room for a small wooden bed and a mirror. Her clothing stayed on the floor since she had no place to put them.

As Ellie turned to the kitchen she couldn't contain her shock. There was food for her. It's not that she never ate but she did always make breakfast. And she was positive she didn't do this. Then she noticed Marry sitting there. Her brother had already left for training. He was going to a school where you learn to be a dragon rider(this gives you a higher chance to become one). Of course, most boys never make it. Ellie longed to be at that school. But no girl had ever or will be a dragon rider. This was because all dragons disliked woman. At least that's what the adults say. But Ellie thought that this was just to hide the facts that dragons tend to eat all woman. Her other sisters were still asleep. Marry caught the sight of her and glared.

"Why didn't you tell us breakfast was ready." now that frightened her. If no one made breakfast who did.

"I didn't make any" Ellie responded still in shock.

Marry scoffed "right you didn't make any breakfast" Ellie wanted to argue but before she could say anything the bell in the center of town rang seven times. She was going to be late. Slipping on a pair of dirty shoes she ran outside. Ellie was never allowed a horse or carriage although her sister was. So she was forced to run to school or be late. The breakfast on the table laid forgotten. So well for breakfast, she sighed.No one but Ellie had to worry about being late the teachers adored her siblings. But they just so happen to hate her. Just like everyone else. Why'd she had to be the different one?

Ellie went to an all girl school while the boys in the village went to her brother's school. This girl school taught you how to read and write like all other schools, but you also had to learn how to cook and sew. The dragon rider school taught you how to fight and ride a horse. (The dragon rider school wasn't actually the real deal.)  Though Ellie would sometimes steal her brother's sword and practice. She was naturally good with weapons and she assumed she knew how to ride a horse. How hard could it be?

As Ellie neared the buildings she noticed something odd, no one was anywhere to be seen. Not even in the courtyard. As she made her way inside she realized how late she was. It was already the second period. She was dead. Great just great. Ellie thought as she went into her 2nd-period class. All eyes adverted to her "Mrs. Malerany, do you have any reason for being so late." Her math teacher said. She sighed but didn't answer.

"That's what I thought. Now sit down" Ellie made her way to her seat wondering how long her detention will go this time. Class went pretty fast after that. As she made her way to the front of class she was shocked to find out her teacher wasn't giving her a detention. first the breakfast now this, what luck had been placed on her. Ellie headed towards the cafeteria. This was the time she got to read. And today she had a book about dragons.

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