I so agree

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Hey guys. So it's 5 after midnight rn, and I was just over on Facebook looking for pics of roman so I can start doing edits of him again. I'm scrollin, looking for good pics, and I run across this

 I'm scrollin, looking for good pics, and I run across this

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I so agree with this, this generation so needs Jesus. Y'all might already know this, but for those of you who don't, Roman is a man of faith himself. He prays and crosses himself (he's a Roman Catholic) before each and every match he's in. He's been filmed and photographed on a couple of occasions doing it, which I think was wrong. Roman deserves his alone time with God as much as the next person; he shouldn't be denied that just bc some inconsiderate jerk wants to snap a quick pic or film him doing his pre-match thing just to satisfy curiosity or whatever, smh. I just wish I could shake the jerks that intrude on his private time with God, and tell them to leave Roman alone while he talks to the Lord. Okay, rant over. It's now 12:21, which is way past the time that I usually go to bed, lol. Good night all, and sweet Roman dreams to my fellow Reigns girls.

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