Omg, I had no idea....

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Wow. I knew Roman is passionate about the wrestling business, but I hadn't the slightest clue how passionate he is. Wow. Sounds like he doesn't hesitate to get savage with someone if they're so stupid as to disrespect the wrestling business in front of him. No wonder he gets savage with smarks on Twitter when they say smth about wrestling that he takes offense to. I love it when he does that tbh, lol. It shows he has enough of a salty side to balance out all the sweetness in him. We are lucky that, as members of the Roman Empire, we get his sweet side the most. Can't say the same for the dumbass haters and smarks who go to the shows just to boo and heckle him.
I remember hearing about a recent exchange between Romann and this idiot who was heckling him at a house show. Man, he shut that guy down hard, lmao. He was like, "You're the one who paid to see me, bitch!", lol. That's our Roman. Always shutting down the haters. And letting his true fans know how much he loves us.
On a personal note, I chose well when I decided to join the Roman Empire if I do say so myself.

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