Natsu peeked out of his bedroom, searching for Lucy. He spotted the blonde snuggled up on the couch with the tablecloth draped over her body. A quiet chuckle escaped his mouth as he went to wake up the girl. Poking her shoulder, he whispered, "Lucy...Lucy...Lucy...Lucy...LUCY!"

A loud THUD was heard and the sound of a girl screaming. Lucy bolted upright and smacked Natsu in the face for rudely waking her.

"WHAT?" She shouted angrily, getting back onto the couch.

"It's tomorrow..." He replied with a grin. Lucy simply cokced her head to the side, curiosity running through her. You know what they say, curiosity killed the cat. Her eyes widened...

He's right... Natsu? It's midnight, can you wait a little longer?

No, you promised me that tomorrow -today- would be when we finished the ritual.

Please? I havn't really had time to prepare!

Lucy... I need to do this.

With a sigh, Lucy reluctantly nodded. "A-alright. Let's quickly get this over with." She muttered, walking into the bedroom.

"Quickly? As you wish." Natsu said to no one in particular, a dark smirk spread across his face. He followed Lucy into the room, closing and locking the door behind him. He watched his wife sit onto the bed, attempting to control her breathing.

"I want this to be as casual as possible. So we should probably- mmph!" The blonde did not get to finish her sentence before Natsu crashed his lips onto hers. Shoving her backwards and onto the bed.


His warm body hovered over mine as he kissed me, the heat from his lips soaking into my skin. A weird lull dulled my racing mind into a sense of comfort. For whatever reason, this kiss was different, less brutal, more intense, and extremely passionate. It was like he was trying to tell me something important without saying the words. To the rhythm of the movement of his lips against mine, the tight, yet gentle, grip on my hips and right down to the slow penetration of his tongue into my mouth felt like a hidden message. Maybe even a hint of what was to come.

Believe me, this is just a peak of what is to come, Lucy.

The sound of his voice in my head was like a splash of cold water onto my face. I jerked a bit, my lips tearing away from his, and my head turning away from him. I took in deep, calming breaths, trying to subdue the erratic beat of my heart. "Natsu...I-I'm not sure I can do this. It's so sudden, and new, and I'm...I'm really scared." I pushed at his shoulders with shaky hands, trying to put a couple inches of distance between us.

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you or anything." Natsu's hands captured mine, and with little to no effort he pinned them above my head. Leaning forward, he nuzzled into my neck, inhaling deeply. "Besides, I don't think I can hold back any longer. Do you have any idea what you smell like to me?" The last part of his sentence dipped into a lower, gruffer tone. Something wet touched the point on my neck that pulsed with the flow of the blood in my veins. I shivered when I figured out it was his tongue.

"But this is so sudden," Ignoring the breathless sound of my voice I barreled on with my inner worries. I either spilt my conscience now, or forever kept it to myself, "I-it was just a couple days ago when we were hanging around laughing and teasing each other. I wasn't even thinking about...uhhh...this yet."

Sex, Lucy, what we are about to do is called sex.

His voice deadpanned in my head. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at him. Yes, sex, Natsu. I wasn't thinking about sex. I countered back.

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