You keep me up at night

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You keep me up all night, I can't stop thinking about you.

He is my addiction, after my first taste I keep coming back for more. I can't go a day without thinking of my next hit.

I can't sleep at night, his voice, his smell, everything about him keeps me up at night. It feels like he was made just for me, he was made to distract me. Everything about him was built to make me addicted, he's my addiction.

Whenever your near me I don't feel the suffocating loneliness I usually feel, the negative feelings I always try to ignore, the crushing insecurity that's always stopping me from doing the things I really want to do, they all vanish the moment you enter a room. I feel free like I could do anything, except talk to you.

One day I know you'll be doing amazing things I only wish we could still know eachother, I don't want to be one of those girls saying I knew you before you were famous and had a huge crush on you.

I wish you knew how perfect you are in my eyes, It brings tears to my eyes thinking that one day you'll forget me and won't recognise me anymore.

I want to be more than someone you know in your youth. I don't want you to be the one that got away, the one I was too afraid to confess my real feelings to. I want you to know how I feel about you before it's too late, but I'm too afraid of how you'll react. My insecurities control me even now.

You keep me up every night praying one day I'll be able to make you as happy as you make me every day. I never want to see you unhappy.

I can't count the number of things I'd give up to be able to talk to him again, to have him say my name again, to have him look at me again.

I was getting a ride to my youth group, her dad looked up into the mirror, he looked so much like you, my heart almost couldn't handle the fright. It reminded me how much I miss seeing your face

Your one of a kind, to me, I just want you to know that. No one can every take your place.

I hate Sunday snow days! Sundays are the only days I see him and I miss him.

I miss being so close to him, I miss those few times I'd sit next to him.

While I'm playing in the snow, all I can think is what is he doing. Is he playing in the snow as well? Is he throwing snowballs at people? Is he having fun? Is he thinking about me? While more like hoping for the last one.

I wonder how I never noticed how beautiful he is, how funny he is, how easy to talk to he is, how amazing he is, how much I love his sense of humor.

Everything about him feels like he was made specifically for me. His hair, his eyes, his humor, his smile, his voice, his smell... His everything.

He is perfect in every way except he doesn't realize how perfect and beautiful he is.

Why can't he be mine? Why can't he think about me as much I think about him? Why can't he hold me like he does in my dreams?

I wish he was mine, but he isn't.
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