I'm trying mesmerize every detail of you before it's too late

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I'm trying to mesmerize every detail of you before its too late...
But I'm afraid it already is.
Everything is moving so quickly I can't keep up, one moment I'm with you were talking and laughing and the next I'm so far, I'm not in your bubble anymore. I'm struggling to get back in before someone fills my space.

I don't want to miss our chance, I don't want to look 20 years down the road and think some else has my husband.

Everything about you is worth loving, I can't give you the justice you deserve.

I don't deserve to know you. You too good for anyone, you deserve someone amazing that will truly cherish you and never hurt you, but only love and respect you.

I want you to have anything you want or need, I want to spoil you, I want to make you happy no matter what.

I'm losing you to someone else and there's nothing I can be, that person's name is time. I can't do anything about time, no matter how much I wish I could. I could pray, but this might be apart of God's plan. But why would he want to hurt me so badly, personal or spiritual growth I don't know, but I know I don't want to lose you, but if its God's plan I'm going to step back and hope you come back to me soon.

I saw him again looking like he usually does. So good. I couldn't stop myself from staring, I hoped I'd never be that girl. Every time he'd look up I'd embarrassingly look away as if I wasn't watching him, hanging on to every word he said.

He walked in he looked so handsome, his hair was pushed back making him look more mature and was wearing a grey Hollister hoodie with his black jeans, he looked tall and handsome.

I love listening to him play, he plays so beautifully.
I loved just simply sitting there watching him play, he does it so beautifully. I can't get enough of it.

Every time I'm near you again, I'm more happy than I can ever explain.
I'm upset that I'll never be able to tell you.

The more I think about it, the more I want to tell you how every little thing about you drives me crazy.

You were so close to me, I wish I could reach out and touch you. The more I see you the more I miss you.

I didn't realise what I was missing until I let you in, now being without you hurts. I wish you were mine. I wish I didn't have to hide how I feel about you.

I didn't realise until we met, but I've been searching for someone just like you.

Picturing him liking someone else and getting a girlfriend, hurts more than I can explain, it causes me the kind of pain I won't, can't forget, the kind of feelings that are so overpowering I'm at their mercy. I can't control myself I cry and my heart hurts so bad, I don't want to ever experience again. I don't know if I can handle it.

Every song I listen to sounds like a secret code for him and me that perfectly describes my feelings for him, its all so beautifully poetic.
Thank you all for reading, sorry this is a little late. I forgot. 😉


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