Chapter 6

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Pronunciations of Names in this Chapter

Anganile Kyara- Anger-Nee-Lay Keee-yer-rah

Kyangonde name meaning God loves us.

Ama-Amer –mother short for amama

Chikondano- Chee-ko-nder-no

Chewa name meaning love existing between more than one person.

Kambudzi- this is an orange chilli. Its size ranges from the size of a pea to the size of a grape.

Ngumbi- flying ants that are fried. They are crunchy and savoury

Mandasi- mer-nder-si fried snack made from flour, eggs and sugar


The raid was simple. Xo managed to access their files but could not ascertain whether Ipyana was at this HMC facility. I managed to get to Chilufya, D.S. Jali's daughter, in time. Dealing with the guards was simple. It took me twenty minutes in and out. The escape however was the problem. Me taking Chilufya out of her cell had triggered an alarm. Xo could not reset it. He lost control of most of the doors. So he failed to seal off the exit door we used to leave the building, as he had done with the other doors. We were pursued by many guards.

We were almost at the pod when the guards made it outside. They were firing beams from a rifle blaster while closing the distance between us. I pushed Chilufya down shielding her with my body. I felt something burning inside my leg. A beam had hit my left leg a few inches above my knee. My blade thrower was out of blades so I fired a few beams from my blaster and shouted Chilufya to get in. Xo fired a few shots too, while telling Chilufya to pull me in. She pulled me in slowly. I propelled myself with my unharmed foot. I got in missing another beam by inches. Xo set the pod on auto-pilot and helped me lay down on the long seat at the back of the pod.

"Xo check in my bag for a tampon." I told him.

"I don't know what those are." He said.

Chilufya took the bag which was lying in front of the seat she was in. "I know what they are."

"In the left pocket." I said breathlessly. It had been sometime since I was shot with a blaster of that calibre. I had forgotten how painful it was. The metal burned into my skin. I tried to think of cool air outside.

"I found it." She was holding it out. She moved from her seat, to the back to the pod beside my seat.

"Place it in my wound." I instructed her. She unwrapped it, and placed it in my wound.

I looked at the moon. The pod gave us an illusion that were so close to it.

"What are tampons used for?" Xo asked.

"For situations like this," Chilufya said cheekily.

"We have to think about finding a black market doctor Xo," I said. My breathing was still abnormal. "Search Dr Watanja Banda."

Xo typed away on his laptop. It took him several minutes to confirm she was still active.

We stopped at Dr Banda's. Chilufya and Xo helped me into her clinic. No questions asked, was the policy here. The nurse took me to the surgery room. There was this look of angst on Xo's face as they pushed my stretcher away.

"Take her home." I instructed him.

I saw him nod his head and leave the waiting area with Chilufya.

The white light dazzled my eyes when I opened them. I shut them tight. I slowly opened them and glanced at my leg, already the beam hole was all stitched up. I turned to my right and there was Xo looking at holographic design of a building similar to the HMC one projected by his phone.

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