Jace's eyes were trained where the motorcycles had disappeared. "He started a while after you left." He answered softly. His lips lifted into a sad smile. "He's pretty good at it. The best actually."

My mouth dropped open. "He could seriously get hurt!" I spat out.

"I think he's already hurting pretty bad Scarlett." He responded softly.

I was about to ask Jace what he meant by that but the sound of people shouting and cheering excitedly caught my attention.

My eyes widened as a familiar black motorcycle skidded to a stop in front of us.


He was back.

He had won!

I couldn't deny the gush of relief I felt when I saw him there unharmed.

I watched as Hunter took off his helmet, he ran a hand through his tousled hair. His eyes scanned the crowd, he was searching for someone.

His stormy eyes finally met mine.

He was searching for me.

I watched as he steered his bike in my direction, the crowd parting for him like he was some kind of royalty.

He came to a stop a few feet away. He leisurely got off his bike and stepped forward till there were only a few inches separating us. He leaned forward a little, so that he was staring directly into my eyes. I suddenly had trouble breathing.

"W-what are you doing?" I breathed out pathetically.

"I'm here to claim my prize." His gaze was so intense. I was completely captivated.

My eyes widened, my mouth refused to form words.

Sounds of screams and gasps suddenly filled the air.

Hunter's eyes suddenly trained on something behind us.

"Someone crashed." He murmured.

I turned around and watched in horror as two men carried a man's limp, bloodied body away.

"We need to call an ambulance!" I screamed as I reached for my phone.

Hunter snatched it from my hand deftly.

"That's not a very good idea sweetheart. This whole gig's illegal. It'll get everyone including you into trouble. Besides I don't think there's much we can do for him now."

I was about to argue further but a cold voice stopped me.


"Hunter you cheating bastard!"

In less than a second, before I could even protest, Hunter had pushed me behind his back protectively.

"You lost Morgan. Suck it up." Hunter spat out.

"You're going to regret messing with me Adams. I'm going to hurt you. Next time it'll be your body they'll be carrying away." Ryder spat out. His face drew into a sneer, "Or better yet I'll hurt that little play thing you're hiding behind your back." His cold glare fixated on me.

Hunter's whole body stiffened.

I could feel the tension radiating off Hunter's body. His hands were curled into fists. He took a threatening step in Ryder's direction.

I quickly grabbed his elbow before he could get further.

"Hunter. Stop. Please" I begged, "He's not worth it." I tried to keep my voice as soothing as possible.

The Past Between UsWhere stories live. Discover now