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prompt from JuliannaLee3 !

In the final months of her pregnancy, Mar'i was incredibly clingy.

Not that her husband minded. But he did find it difficult during patrol.

"Damian! She just kicked again!" He would hear through his ear-comm.

Damian sighed, throwing a punch at the last goon standing. "Beloved, we've talked about this. This line is for those on patrol only."

"I know, I'm sorry. I just get so lonely being here by myself. I miss going out on patrol with you."

"I know, I miss it as well. I'll be home soon," he assured her.

A few days later, Damian found himself in a collapsing building. Firefly just had to test out new explosives on a business complex.

The explosion occurred in the middle of the building, causing severe structural damage. The old building was on the verge of crumbling and all civilians were being evacuated.

Damian was double-checking that was every person had made it out safely.

All the employees had made it out of the building, but Damian decided that he would investigate the floor where the explosion occurred. He had little time, and investigated as quickly as he could.

In the midst of his investigating, he heard footsteps approach and a familiar voice.

"Shouldn't you be at home with your wife?"

Damian turned around. It was his father-in-law.

"I could ask you the same, Grayson. What are you doing here?"

Dick came closer. "Thought I could help. There's no one left inside, we need to get out of here."

"I know, I was investigating the crime scene," Damian responded.

"There's nothing to investigate. Firefly's a psychotic pyromaniac, he burned this place for the hell of it. We need to go, now." Dick insisted.

Realizing that Dick was right, Damian nodded curtly and began to follow him out.

Suddenly, a low rumble was heard, and then a crash. The ceiling above was crumbling down on top of them. The weight of the impact then caused the floor to crumble, too.

Dick and Damian fell through what was once the floor and were pummeled with structural debris upon crashing to the ground.

Damian groaned and pushed a large piece of debris off him.

"You okay?" Dick asked, brushing dust off himself as he stood.

     "Fine," he answered.

Damian looked around. The air was clouded with smoke and dust, debris was everywhere, and the building continued to rumble.

This building was collapsing and it showed no signs of stopping.

"What floor are we on?" Dick asked.

  "I think the fourth," Damian answered.

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