First Impressions

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Requested by: athunter99

"Well, someone's been busy," Jason Todd stated plainly.

  Dick Grayson had shown up at Wayne Manor with a teenage girl. But not just any teenage girl, his daughter.

"Since when did you spawn a child?" Damian asked, folding his arms over his chest, his tone somewhat bitter.

  "Fifteen years ago, but Mar'i here has been living with Kori on Tamaran. Now she's here with me," Dick smiled, wrapping his arm over his daughter's shoulder, earning a small smile from her. "So, Mar'i, this is Jason, Tim, and Damian."

"Hey, squirt," Jason said with a slight wave. "You sure do look a lot like Kori."

  "Hi," the dark haired girl spoke. She smiled some,"I do get that a lot."

"Hi, I'm Tim," Tim Drake said.

    "Hi," Mar'i responded with a smile.

This was supposed to be the part where Damian introduced himself, even though it was obvious that he was Damian, but instead he looked at the girl, fully acknowledging her and studying her appearance.

   She was tall for a fifteen year-old, almost as tall as Dick, and had long dark locks that cascaded down her back. Her skin was also tanner, but it had more golden undertones rather than a light brown. And her eyes were a bright, vibrant emerald green, reminding him somewhat of a cat's eyes. 
    There was something about her, what is was Damian didn't know, that made her different than the average human girl. Perhaps it was because she was only half-human herself. But there was something about this girl, Mar'i,  that made the normal iciness of his stare soften.

"Aaand that's Damian," Dick chuckled. "He's not very social."

   Damian rolled his eyes at this.

"You two are the same age, y'know," Dick continued. "Maybe you could be buddies."

   Mar'i's gaze shifted to Damian. Their eyes met and she smiled kindly at him, cheerfulness dancing in her eyes.

For some reason, Damian felt heat rising to his cheeks. He quickly averted his gaze from her.


Demonfire DrabblesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora