Chapter 6 ~ Awakening

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Zane P.O.V. ~~~~~⬆️⬆️⬆️Danial/Danny⬆️⬆️⬆️~~~~~ (Danial is a couple hundred years old, something to note)

*yawn* 'Ugh, what happened?' I slowly open my eyes to see something in front of me. My vision was blurry so I reached out to touch it. 'Is this a person?' I felt abs and moved my hands upwards to feel biceps, this person was fit. I wipe my eyes to get a better look at who it was, I look up to see... 'oh god'.

I remember what happened last night and try to get up but HE wrapped his arm around me and kept me down on the bed. I wrap my hand into a fist and was about to punch HIM when "I advise you not to do that" HE said. "... WHAT THE FUCK DANNY GET OFF ME!!!" I shouted loudly.

I struggled to get out of his grasp but he kept me down. "Aww, you remember~" he said cooing. "Of course I do! I remember how you FUCKING TRIED TO RAPE ME YOU BITCH!" He seemed taken back by what I said so I used that to push off his arm with all my strength and bolted for the door.

I got to the door and tried opening it but it wouldn't budge. "Sorry but I won't let you escape this time" I look around the room to see a bathroom and ran inside it, locking the door behind me. I hear him walk to the door and started looking around for something to block the door with.

"Look, I'm sorry Zane, I'll admit I was immature back then, but I've had a while to reflect on my actions and I just want to get back together" he said sounding sad. I said nothing, just looking at the door. "Fine, I'll leave you alone for now but when I come back this door better be opened by then" he says. I hear him walking out the room so I just sat down with my back against the door, trying to calm down.

'Zane?' I hear Jett start to talk 'OMG, JETT! ARE YOU OKAY? DID HE HURT YOU' I ask worriedly 'I think I'm fine, and what do you mean did he hurt you? And who is he?!' *sigh* 'I never wanted to have to talk about this, but I guess it was bound to happen.'

'Sooooo, the guy you kinda just met, his name is Danny. He was my... boyfriend' I say snarky 'WHAT?' Jett says surprised 'Yeahhhhh, in 10th grade I was walking home from school when a group of thugs ambushed me, I was an easy target since I had no magic so they went for me.'

'They were holding metal bats and was about to start going all out on me when Danny showed up. He saved me by beating them up, so as repayment he asked if I could be his boyfriend. Being unstable at the time I said yes, needing to feel loved by someone.'

'6 months after we started dating I learned that he was a vampire which I thought was amazing. He took to all sort of places, then one night he snuck me to his house to "hang out" as he said. The next thing I knew we were naked in his room, I wasn't ready at the time and I told him that but he kept on pushing'

'So the next thing I did was grab the closes thing to me which was a lamp and I smashed it on his head, while he was recovering from that I bolted out of the house and ran home. I'm sure he could've caught me but he still didn't want to hurt me, even after what I did. So he just let me go'.

'Wow, I'm so sorry Zane' 'it's fine, since he's a vampire he can mess with my mind, that's why I was worried about you' I say with relief, thanking he didn't hurt Jett 'Wait, we knew each other at that time. Why don't I remember him?' Jett asked 'He most likely tried to wipe my memory of that moment so I would still love him, but since I had just hit him with a lamp it probably messed up and it blocked all memories of him from you. After that day, I avoided him completely'.

'I don't know why he still cares about me, after all I did... he still loves me'. I say sadly, thinking of what I did to him. 'Look, I may not know a lot about love but I do know this, if someone truly loves you, they'll do whatever it takes to make you happy. Even if they have to let you go.'

I think about what Jett says 'Look, I think Danny does truly love you. If you ask him, I think he'll let you go. Even at the own cost of his happiness'... 'I don't know if I can, I don't want to hurt Danny. After all he been through, he even risked getting KILLED just so he could be with me'.

'Hey Jett? Can I be alone for a bit?' 'Okay Zane, just call my name if you need me' 'Ok, thanks Jett' and with that he leaves me just to my thoughts. '*sigh*... What am I gonna do? What do I even want?' I thought as I bring both my knees to my chest and bury my head in them.

'I'm sure Danny will catch me if I try to run. And I'm almost certainly positive that my mates are worried about me, I might be able to mind link them, but I doubt it would work considering I just met the three of them a couple days ago. Besides, I don't wanna risk Danny to intercepting the link, he might not be able to but I don't know the full extent of his powers'.

'*sigh* I guess there's only one thing left to do'. I open the door slowly to see if Danny was around, from where I could tell I didn't see him. I slowly and quietly walk out and close the door behind me, I look around and see a bed in front of me with a door to my left, and a window with iron bars on the to my right. 'Wow, he really doesn't want me getting out'.

I walk over to the door which was made of wood and wiggled it around. 'Locked, of course' I say feeling salty. 'So what now?' Jett ask me 'Hmm, I might be able to kick the door down' ... 'Are you INSANE!!! WE'LL DEFINITELY GET CAUGHT' Jett shouts at me 'SORRY! It was just an idea, you don't have to get so butt hurt about it'

I sit down on the bed as me and Jett think of a way to open this door... a couple minutes past. 'You know what, fuck it' 'wha-' before Jett could finish I kicked the door as hard as I can. I fell to the ground with I think a broken foot, I started tearing up while holding my foot. "OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" I screamed.

'You know what, that's your fault, what did you think would happen!?' 'I DUNNO, I KICKED THE DOOR DOWN!' A few seconds later and I see the door unlock and open with a concerned Danny in the door way. "ARE YOU OKAY!?" Danny ask while panicking "WHAT DO YOU THINK!?" I respond. My foot started hurting even worse.

"I'll go get some ice" Danny picks me up and puts me on the bed then goes to get some ice. The only thing I could think about was the pain, "It huuuuuuuuuurts!" I stared whining while still holding it. Danny comes back up with an ice pack. I lay down and put my foot out while Danny gently puts the ice over it.

"Mmm" I wince from the pain but do my best to keep it together. After a few minutes it's starts to calm down, Danny goes and fetches some painkillers from the bathroom and hand them to me. "Here" he puts his hand out with 2 pills in them, I grab the pills and swallow them, not even with water.

"*sigh*, what were you trying to do Zane?" Danny ask with a frustrated tone "I dunno" I replied. "We'll talk about this later, for now you need some rest" I just nod my head and with that, Danny heads out the room to go do whatever. All I could do was just think, I just stared up at the ceiling for who know how long just think about everything that happened.

I eventually started to get sleepy again and drifted off to sleep.


Hi everyone! Sorry again for the long update, I have no excuse this time, I was just lazy. Plus I haven't been in a mood to wright but that doesn't mean you guys should have to wait a long time for an update.

Again, I'm really sorry for not making this sooner. Anyways, thanks to the people that stuck around and are still reading this! I hope you have a wonderful day, bye!!!😘

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