"What's going on with Lexi? Is she going insane or something?" "Julian broke up with her last night."

"Thank god, I was so annoyed whenever he came over. Don't get me wrong, he's a really chill dude, but Lex would make me hate him when she would talk about him all the fucking time." "Yeah I agree."

"So how was that party last night?" I asked while trying different shades of lip gloss on.

"It was pretty boring. The only entertaining part about it was that Gabriella was chasing after me so Camila and I hid in a room and got to know each other a little more."

"In what way?" I laughed. "Well we played 16 questions and then made out the rest of the time." "What happened to the other 5 questions?" "I don't know, I think so asked her where she likes me touching her the best and then that was it." "Wow."

"So are you gonna sit with her in the Sophomore section or is she gonna have to go down to the little pest section?" "Nah she reserved our seats in the Sophomore section because the guys in my grade like to throw food  at each other." "Weird."

"Well I gotta go pick up my tux and get a haircut so I'll be back in a few hours." "Okay bye." I waved.

"I'm leaving!" Lexi screamed as she slammed her door. "Where are you going?" "To get a mani pedi and then get my hair done." "I thought I was doing your hair?" "Yeah but now I need to look super hot to get Julian jealous."
After a few hours of doing nothing I finally got up and started doing my hair. I put my hair in a half up- half down and just curled the ends.

After I called Allie to come over and do my makeup like she did every year.

"So have you and Noah talked about tonight?" "Yeah and I'm not happy about it." She snickered.

"Well I'm sorry you have to deal with him." "Thanks, I'm kinda getting used to it though. Are you going with Zach tonight?" "How did you know he was here?" "I saw you and him walking out of a restaurant when I was going home."

"Well the answer is no, I didn't know he was coming so I never got him a ticket or anything." "Well when does he leave?" "Monday." "Girl you're crazy, if I were you I would wanna spend all my time with him." "I do, it's just that he didn't come at the right time."

"Well did you at least tell him that Julian is your date for half the night?" "No, he asked me if we had a past though and I might've said no because I panicked."

"Morgan!" "Well he won't find out about tonight." "You better hope not."

"And I forgot to tell you something really important." "What?" "Julian and Lexi broke up last night." "No fucking way!" "Yeah, he told her that it wasn't the right time and that they weren't compatible."

"Finally, So when are you two gonna finally confess your love for each other?" "Al, I'm going out with Zach. Julian and I kinda drifted apart."

"Stop lying, you spend more time with that boy than you spend at home." "Now you need to stop lying." "Maybe he'll finally admit his feelings tonight since you get the full night with him." "Allie stop." "Fine, but you owe me 20 bucks by the end of the night."

After she finished my makeup I did hers. After that I slipped into my pastel pink two piece and put on my shoes.

As I was finishing up I went over to my dresser to find jewelry. I noticed Julian's necklace right next to Zach's necklace. I was going out with Zach, but I was all Julian's tonight so I put his necklace on.

"You ready for this?" Allie asked putting on her finishing touches. "Yeah." "Let's go." She said as we walked out of the room.

As we walked down the stairs I noticed Julian, Noah, Tanner, Camila, and Nick.

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