Chapter 5: Im Sorry?

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(Flashbacks will be in 3rd person. Also, this is a flashback. You'll know when the flashback is over when you see this '***')
Chapter 5: "I'm Sorry?"

The laughter of children filled the air. Kids ran all around on the playground. There was only one who stood isolated. The strawberry blonde haired girl swung on the single swing that hung on the tree.

She watched as the kids ran past her as if she was no longer visible. She looked at her feet as they swung above the ground.

"Hey!" She looked up and saw this girl with brown hair and green eyes. The girl held this bright and warm smile.

" Hn."

"Do you want to play with us?"


"Duh, who else am I talking to."

"Y-Yeah, Of course!"

"Well follow me."

The girl leads her into the streets of the Copper Village and stopped at an old and abandoned alley. There were a few other girls around the strawberry blonde's age.

"Hey, guys look at the new friend I made. This is... uh, what is your name."

"Naruko Senju, ya know." The strawberry blonde said with a bright and exciting smile. The girls held these dark and senile smirks that the blonde took no attention of.

"Oh, Naruko we have a present for you."The girls brought out a medium sized crate. Naruko walked over to it and took a look inside.

"Huh? It's just a crate full of tomatoes. What am I supposed to do with this?"

"It's not what you're gonna do with them. It's what we're gonna do with them."

"Uh, I'm not sure I understand."

"Just stand right here and watch."

"Um, okay?"

Each of them picked up a tomato. "You're not gonna throw those at me are you."

"No way! Just relax." She smirked and held up her arm. "Ready fire!"

"Wait for what?!" The Naruko covered her face with her arms and slid to the ground and just waited until all of it was over. The tomato splattered everywhere. In her hair and all over her clothes. When they stopped throwing tomatoes, Naruko looked up, when she did they pulled on her long hair and slammed her into the ground.

Then they picked her up by her hair and looked her straight in the face. "This is what happens when a monster like you comes into our village. Your hair is even ugly. Why does it have two colors? Red and blonde. That's the worst combination I have ever seen."

One girl pulled out a kunai and sliced the lengthen Naruko's hair. She watched as the strands and pieces floated to the ground. Then they threw her against the wall."Get the hell out of our village. Nobody wants you here. You don't belong here." And with that, they left the Naruko stranded.


5 days later...


I picked up the remote and paused the music I was listening to, and placed down the paintbrush. I walked out of the room and to the front door.

When I opened the door I saw the most obnoxious jerk ever. Sasuke. His face held the blankest expression ever.

"I came over here too-

Book I: Complications -§- (NarukoxSasuke) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now