Chapter 25 - The Aftermath

Start from the beginning

"I wanted to know how Noelle is doing because I'm just miserable. I think I made a mistake."

"Ya think? YA THINK? Listen the fella in exam room 4 about now is think'in he made a mistake with not drinking enough water and eating enough fruits and vegetables. You? You were just a dumbass. Call her yaself and fix it."

Marissa hung up.


Clearing his throat and coughing a few times, Prince got the courage to call Noelle.

Immediately, her voicemail picked up. Hemming and hawing as to whether to leave a voicemail, he ended the call.

Texting Marissa, "Got her voicemail immediately."

"Did you leave a message?"



"What does that mean?"

"You are bat, shit crazy. Don't be a coward. Leave her a damn message."

Pissed, he replied...😒😒😒

Pacing a bit back and forth, the flight attendant asked Prince to have a seat. So he did, in the back of the plane leaving Tamar alone. From a distance, he saw her tablet she's looking at TMZ.

After about 10 minutes, Tamar turned around to see him sitting in the back. "What choo sitting back there for?"

"I have some things on my mind."

"Yes you do. Right here on TMZ it says Prince and his 4EVER lover in royal spat or are they calling it quits."

"Now how the hell would they know that?"

"Probably just speculation. She was seen an hour ago hugging some fella outside the L'Abeille in Paris. I'm not sure if it said he's on the show ER or maybe he's an ER doctor. I didn't read it that well."

"Lemme see that." Snatching the tablet from her, his heart broke seeing her hug Gabriel.

"Looks like she's moving on searching for her 4EVER. Is that why you called me?" Stroking her fingers along his ear while he swatted her away like a fly.

Dialing Marissa's cell again.

"Didn't we already speak? I've got nothing to say to you until you fix this." Marissa was cold and callous. Prince already missed the Marissa that had grown to be a good friend to him.

"You've got to listen to me." Begging like never before in his life. "I know where she is Marissa. You've got to do me a favor."

"I just talk to you a few minutes ago. Are you being a sick weirdo and having her followed?" Thoroughly disgusted with his antics.

"'m not but TMZ is. Listen I need for you to have Gabriel called into work for the weekend. She's vulnerable, I don't want him around her."

"Wait...she's with Gabriel?" Marissa started to chuckle. "Damn..."

"Damn what?"


"Na tell me what damn means."

"I just think it's kinda funny that she's hanging with who I fixed her up with before she met you. You may have reopened an opportunity for them to collide."

"No NO! NOOOO!!!"

"You can't say no. You left her. You made her a free agent. Plus I accidentally saw Dr. Gabriel once in the hospital staff locker room, he is pack'in." Marissa started to lightly howl. "Mr. Nelson I'd say you have some stiff competition."

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