Ch 1 Team Crafted

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I logged on to the new server I created for the guys and I to play.

When I logged on there was a mansion and a bridge leading to it. I got nervous and excited

at the same time (u can call that Nerviscited hue hue hue) . I saw signs and a pressure plate on the

right side of me. Then I heard a pop sound behind me,"Hey Adam." Greeted Jason as he walked up

to me. "Hey." I said back. "Were u here earlier?" Jason asked looking at the mansion. "Yeah, just

logged on about 10 sec ago." I chuckled. We heard another pop sound behind us. The sound

sounded like rock music. "Ty!" Jason yelled knocking on his headphones. Still no reply from him.

"I think I know the trick." I said getting closer to Ty. Jason must have known what I was doing

because he was walking behind Ty. I grabbed Ty's left foot and Jason carried Ty under his

shoulders. "#TYSLEFTFOOT!!!!" Jason and I said together. Ty fell and yelled at us saying." DIDNT

I SAY DONT DO THAT TREND!" We both laughed," At least we got your attention." Jason said. Ty

Rolled his eyes then we heard 2 pops. "Agh! I'm inside of u!" Yelled Ian. "Get the butt off!" Quentin

yelled pushing Ian. We laughed while Ian stood up and helped Quentin. "U guys were smooshed

together!" I yelled trying to not laugh. Ian and Quentin rolled their eyes," Adam who's face is

gonna be covered in butter?...... U ARE!" Ian yelled while throwing butter at me. "Tastes gooood!"

I said slurping the butter off my face. We all laughed again Til we heard 2 pops. But, there

was no one there. "Strange there should be some one there." Ty said scratching his head. Then we

heard a noise that sounded like yodeling. We turned to that direction to see a furry animal

grabbing on to a vine and, a person with a diamond sword came jumping on stone towards us. Of

course the Furry animal came and landed on my face. "Heeeeey Adam!" Jerome greeted as he

stood back up laughing at me. Then a diamond sword was thrown at me. It was probably aimed for

my head but missed by an inch. "Mitch!!!" I yelled covering my face. "Whoops eh hehe Srry Adam

I was aiming for that buddy behind u." Mitch said pointing behind me. I turned around to see a

dead zombie laying there. "Well. Thanks anyway." I thanked him. "Well, were all here!" Ian yelled

looking at us. We nodded and looked at the mansion. "Let's read the rul-" Ty was caught off by

Mitch and Jerome running on the bridge. "REALLY?!" Ty yelled stomping his left foot on the

ground. "Hehe #Tysleftfoot." I heard Jason murmur. I snickered and ran after Mitch and Jerome.

When they pressed the pressure plate they disappeared. I stopped and looked at the mansion

before going to the pressure plate. Something about it seems strange to me... Oh well. I stepped on

the pressure plate and teleported. When I teleported I heard a scream.

PokeCrafted A TeamCrafted/Pokemon Crossover (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now