"I don't know, I haven't seen him today," my head dropped to the ground as I frowned.

"You should probably go, then."

"Again with trying to get rid of me!" I yelled in frustration.

"It's just safer there with what's going on," he shrugged. Such a lame excuse.

"Oh, and I'm so unsafe surrounded by a bunch of policemen, right?" I snapped.

"I didn't mean that," he was growing impatient, especially after the other policemen called his name several times. "I have to go."

"Wait! Just answer one question," I said to his back. He turned his head to his shoulder so I could only see one side of his face. "What has Tyler done to Gabriel?"

"You need to leave, now."

I threw my arms by my side. "Fine! I'll find out from someone else!" I yelled. He ignored me and got into the back of their car.


I leaned against the wall opposite to the operation theatre, waiting and waiting until someone would walk out and tell me that Tyler was absolutely fine and I could finally meet him. It was like I hadn't seen him in forever and I felt as though I would have a nervous breakdown if they kept me away for much longer.
Everyone was tired and anxious, probably not having slept even if they were at home, but Kirsty in particular was finding this harder than anyone else. I knew she was finding it extremely difficult to fight the urge to pull out a cigarette and light it, but still, she wouldn't succumb to her desire and throw away any progress she may have made at rehab.

I knew who I had to speak to in order to gain more information on Gabriel and Tyler. I contemplated asking Heidi for a split second but decided against it since she probably wouldn't know. However Alec, I was sure, would have some idea about all the secrecy.

From what I could see, he was sat next to Heidi, holding her hand as her eyes remained on the door behind which Tyler was being kept. I needed to speak to him privately but was unsure on what excuse I could make in front of Heidi and everyone else. I confidently walked up to them and tapped his shoulder.

"I need to talk to you," I whispered and when he looked up, I added, "in private." He furrowed his brow but nodded his head nonetheless, telling Heidi before following me outside.

"What is it?"

"So, you may or may not know the answer to what I'm about to ask but I have a strong feeling that you do know something. Please, just promise you won't beat around the bush and will give me a straight answer."

"Should I be worried?" he asked. I shook my head, thinking of how to word my question properly.

"Tyler was at a party hosted by someone called Gabriel. Does that name ring a bell to you?"

He squinted his eyes at me, taking a few moments to think of a response. "Sounds familiar. Why?"

"Just familiar? Or more than that?"

"Why are you asking me this all of a sudden?" his voice raised slightly.

"I have my reasons," I smiled faintly.

"Yeah? Well, I'm sorry but I don't think I can help you. I'm not sure who this Gabriel is and I don't care to find out."

Before I had a chance to react, he was walking back through the revolving doors at the hospital entrance. That was so helpful, not a waste of time at all.

Alec was hiding something too. Everyone seemed to be. What was making them all so secretive? Stupidly, I thought about finding this Gabriel myself, then realised he was probably quite a dangerous person if he managed to land Tyler in this situation. I had already encountered someone who was enough for me to face in this lifetime. I didn't need another possibly scarring me both mentally and physically.

Deal With Itजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें