Being little kids, we were straightforward with how we felt, even if it was embarrassing.

"Ugh, cut the crap. This makes me want to gag," Katsuki blurted, red hot and voice simmering. I'd honestly forgotten he was there.

He looked like he was about ready to snap Izuku's neck, glaring at him through shadowy eyes. Then, just like that, his palm ignited a roaring fire, something of the likes I've never seen him kindle before. Could it be he hates Izuku that much? But he seemed like he was calming down!

He looked up, dewy-eyed, as heat radiated off him, making everyone sweat. My leather boots felt heavier on the wood chip covered playground. Looking at his broken-down face made my heart drop, my feet moving before I fully comprehended the situation. "Stop SCREWING THE FUCK AROUND, YOU'RE SO SO STUPID DEKU!! I HATE YOU SO MUCH I CAN'T TAKE IT!"

"(Y/n), wait!" Izuku pleaded. I didn't even notice Katsuki burned me until I was on the ground, skin pounding. Izuku looked at my wound, wide-eyed, almost as if not able to grasp the situation. His reddening complexion told me he wouldn't be able to hold back his anger for long. He's impulsive, he won't think about the consequences of what he wants to do, only the future he wants to fight for. The tension in the air is thicker than I'd like to admit, but even so, there's still a chance everyone will walk away with no scars.

"KACCHAN HOW COULD YOU!?" Izuku cried, streaming tears and sealed eyes, unprepared to look Katsuki or me in the eyes. My head began to spin and I no longer felt any pain from the burn, despite its rapid swelling. "(Y-Y-Y/n)... no... that isn't fair! (Y/N)!! HOW COULD YOU? How- could..." Izuku expressed, clearly not thinking.

He fell down, struggling to hold my still body, tightly grasping it. He was shaking, more than before, crying his eyes out, hiding his face in the crook of my neck. I wanted to hold him too, but my body wouldn't listen. All I could do was sit there, numb. No matter how hard I tried to move, I couldn't budge. I could faintly hear the cries of Katsuki trying desperately to make Izuku run away. I could hear him pouring his heart out, the setting sun complementing the dramatic tone of this situation. I couldn't do anything, not even move. I was so useless, helpless, weak. I couldn't do anything for anyone. I hated it.

I looked down to see a warm finger sloppily wiping away my chilling tears. I hadn't even noticed. I could feel Izuku flinching with every word Katsuki uttered.

'This has turned into chaos,' I thought.

"STOP IT! Stop it Katsuki, stop! That's enough of this senseless arguing! I can't take it so stop, okay...?" I whimpered, snapping out of my daze and forcing my body to obey my commands. I staggered to my feet, catching myself as I almost fell. I charged at Katsuki, punching him with everything I had, leaving him breathless on the ground. The air was filled with blackness, as the sun's final light waved goodbye. The world felt like it was shaking, stumbling, I was feeling light-headed. Almost falling, I bent down, only to clench onto Katsuki's shirt and pull him up with all my strength, adrenaline surging through my veins.

I glared at him, eyes softening by the millisecond. I can't stay mad at him. I knew that. Still, I'll take advantage of all the rage inside me, even if barely any. Katsuki's hands fumbled to pry my grip apart, and, although unsuccessful, managed to weaken my gaze. His eyes clenched shut, striving to keep his tears in.

"Okay..." Katsuki admitted, going limp. "Okay!!" I let go, allowing his frail body to fall next to mine.

"(Y/n)!!" Izuku screamed, attacking me in the form of a hug, catching me. "Don't worry, I'll protect you, (Y/n), don't worry. I promise. I promise forever and ever. I'll protect you from everything. You'll never get hurt like this again. I promise..." Izuku muttered as his voice became increasingly distant as I blacked out.


I woke up in my room. I looked around, seeing a familiar bed, desk, closet, walls, posters, and a scruffy face sleeping on the ground.

'Izuku must have carried me home and planned to wait until I woke up,' I thought. I wondered what my parents thought since they haven't met him yet.

I dragged his peaceful body onto my bed and left a note telling him where I'd gone to. I didn't know where he lived, so I just left him there. However, I did know where Katsuki lived, due to living on his street.

I ran to his house as fast as I could, trying to think of what to say along to way. I wanted to apologize and wrap up any loose ends left by the argument earlier.

I stormed in, knowing Katsuki's parents would recognize me and allow me to see Katsuki. I located his door and slowly opened it. He was at his desk, angrily writing something.

He looked up and scowled. "What do you think you're doing here, (Y/n)? You think you can just waltz in here like you own the place?!"

"Katsuki... you have enough raw power to be considered a rising star, by practically everyone around you. You have amazing ambition, physical strength, intelligence, and even a talent for hard work. You've already proved yourself, you don't need to show us anymore."

The room fell still as I sighed. "That said, I can't let you decide Izuku's fate for him. He has potential too, and you can't just take it away from him for no good reason. I hate seeing you two fighting, but I doubt that will end with ease. Even so, I think that if I can convince you to try, maybe Izuku will too. And then, maybe, we can live up to the heroes we wish we could be." Katsuki stood up and walked toward me.

"I... I want to be a hero, and I believe that you can be one too, but Izuku has no quirk, he doesn't have the talent like we do," he explained, slightly backing down.

Even though I disagreed, I smiled.

"Still... he deserves to be given a chance, at least. Please, only this once. I'm so sorry for what happened today, and I don't want that to happen again, so, please?" I insisted.

"Fine... I'm sorry... for... everything," Katsuki acknowledged. My usual warm smile tugged at my lips, and, before he could react, I hugged him in a tight embrace.

"Okay! I trust you, Katsuki," I beamed. Katsuki struggled to get free but to no end. I wasn't letting go until he gave in! "Thank you!" I added, causing a bright red to spread across his face.

"Y-You too..." he said, giving in and wrapping his arms around me.

~~~~~~~~~ Author's Note~~~~~~~~~

Since this is the first part of my first story, I don't expect any sort of popularity, but if you do end up seeing this to date, please give me feedback on what I did right and wrong. I've never really written like this before, so I don't know a whole lot about navigating the comments. Also, no reader should feel obliged to read these little endnotes, I'm sure most will just ignore them. If you have gotten this far, congratulations!! You are a kind person, and I appreciate you! With that said, have fun reading and I hope that you will enjoy my first story! Goodbye!


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