"Call it a welcome gift, sweetie. Battery charged blue is a good color on you. Goes with your eyes."

She smiled at me. I felt myself start to calm down.

"Spencer?" He sighed.

"You're passing out again, aren't you?" I nodded, clinging to his shirt. "Okay, that means someone's going to have to carry you to the car. Is that okay, princess?" I nodded again.

I felt him get up, wrapping one arm under my knees, and the other across my shoulder blades. I started to see black spots, and then all at once I was out.


"Spencer? Where are we?" I leaned my head up.

"You ask that question a lot, huh?" He chuckled. "We are actually about to pull into my complex. How are you feeling?"

"I'm better. Just had a bad day. Except, you know... you." I had to laugh at my own cheesiness.

"Well at least it all has an end." I felt the car stop.

"Okay my lovely child wonders, we have arrived at Casa de Spencer. Now get out." She laughed. "I still haven't eaten dinner, and I have a chocolate cupcake waiting for me." I crawled out of the car, Spencer following suit.

"Alright Kid, see you tomorrow." Derek came over and kissed my temple, passing me my keys at the same time. "Take care of Pretty Boy." With that he walked around to the black suv and crawled in.

"You ready?" Spencer asked, grabbing my hand.

"Yeah, I guess." We walked up the stairs and Spencer opened the heavy door. I oggled at the inside. It was darker than I had imagined. Books. Probably at least a thousand. I was in heaven.

"I know its not exactly-" He began. He took off his messenger bag and hooked it on the nail next to the bookshelf.

"Spence. Its great." I walked over to a bookshelf and moved one that was out of order. I turned to him. "Could I um... could I borrow a t-shirt? I don't really have a lot of clothes. This is kinda it." I looked down at my outfit.

"Yeah sure, hang on. Well I guess come here." He grabbed my hand and led me into his bedroom. Stacks of books lined the walls and around the bed. Guess we have even more in common than I thought. After rooting around in his dresser he came out with a white button up shirt, and a pair of sweats. "Here. You can um.. the showers down the hall there, on the left. Do you want to go first?"

I nodded my head and walked towards the bathroom. One thing I did manage to get was some new shampoo, conditioner, razors, and deoderant. I refused to share. I was way too OCD to share.

I lined all my bottles up from my bag. I carry them with me with me as per my nomadic state. It was a nice thought that I wouldn't have to carry shampoo to school anymore. I could just leave it all at Spencer's.

I climbed into the shower after laying out my spare panties and his shirt. "Spence?" I hollered from the small room.


"Where are your towels, babe?"

"Hang on a sec." I heard feet pad down the hallway, and towards the door. "I got you two." I climbed out of the shower, thanking god I remembered before turning on the water. I cracked the door and stuck my hand out, pulling it back in when I felt the terry cloth against my palm.

"Thanks so much Spence." I hollered after I shut the door.


"Thanks Spencer." I leaned down and kisses him on the lips. "It's nice to know that I have a place to stay for the night. Living in motels gets kinda solitary." I sat down next to him on the couch.

"Well that's just how it seems to be. Even when you're surrounded by people that you care about, that care about you. It's nice to be able to talk about things or use big words and not be given weird looks or brushed off."

"The limits of your language are the limits of your world."

"Wittgenstein." He smiled. He put his book down and turned his body. "Do you want to order some Chinese or something? I'm going to take a shower. I'll be right back." He stood up and went in to take his shower.

I pulled out my phone and looked up a place that delivered chinese, and. Thank you internet. I padded into his kitchen and looked through his cabinets for a cup. If I were an obsessive compulsive prodigy... oh duh. I reached above the coffee maker and grabbed one. I filled it with water and walked back into the living room, picking a random book off of Spencer's shelf on the way. I took it back between some shelves, hidden in the corner.

Lost to words (Spencer Reid)Where stories live. Discover now