Fifty Two || Made of Diamonds (important author note at the end)

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Please, please, please make sure you read the author note at the end, regarding where you  can read ahead. 


Vena's Point of View

With my suitcase in my hand, I pull it behind me. It doesn't make much sound against the red carpet. Creana's apartment building is significantly different than mine, maybe a bit more expensive looking. No, it definitely is. I knew that from the moment I stepped into the lobby. I hadn't had hope that she would say yes to me staying here. In fact, I thought for sure that I would be waiting around until James showed. When she said yes to letting me stay, I felt good, but also really nervous.

I let my phone die a few days ago and I have yet to let it charge since. With it constantly just staring back at me, telling me that James isn't going to call me back was causing anxiety and I couldn't do it anymore, so I didn't.

I think my friends are right about me getting out of that place for a while. I was being constantly reminded of James's disappearance and I had no idea how to deal with it. Of course it certainly helped that Grant was there to support me. God, how did James find a friend as good as Grant?

Ryder walks with me down this long hallway. He doesn't say much, or anything. Normally he'd have a ton to say, but it seems that the tables have turned. A couple months ago I was the one who was helping him get a girlfriend and now he's walking me to his girlfriend's apartment because of my broken relationship.

"Creana is very particular with her things, so just don't move anything of hers around." Ryder tells me, looking at me with all seriousness.

I look at him and nod. Of course I won't touch anything of hers, I'll probably just make a dent in her couch.

"Vena, it's okay. He's going to come back and when he does you can yell at him all you want," Ryder reassures me, smiling.

That's an odd way of putting it, but it's true. I could yell at him for days and if he cares at all, he'll sit there and take it. Of course, I don't know if he cares. He's yet to return any of my calls. I sure as fuck feel like he doesn't care.

"I know."

We get to the door and Ryder knocks before walking in, "We're here," he announces, stepping through the doorway.

How the fuck can she afford a place like this. I'd have to rob a bank to get something like this. Everything is so clean, so perfect, so sleek. I find myself being gravitated to the kitchen. God, so much marble, I think I'm in love. The large island in the middle might be what I love most about it. I mean my kitchen island is pretty small compared to this one.

I hear heels clinking against the floor and I immediately raise my attention from this beautiful room to Creana entering the room. All over is black flooring that's seamless. I'm not exactly sure what it's called, but it looks expensive. In this apartment, the floor is what seems so defining about it.

"Hey, Babe. Oh good, you're here Vena!" she smiles as she fixes the cuffs of her blouse.

I look at Ryder, slightly confused at who this woman is. I mean, of course it's still Creana, but not the Creana I met. The girl I know likes leather jackets and fast cars and this girl looks like she's fresh off Wall Street.

"I know this must be weird to see and I was going to avoid telling any of you guys, but seeing how you need a place to stay, I couldn't say no and let you stay in that place." She pauses, "My father is a successful businessman on Wall Street and I'm a business major, so you can see where this conversation is going," she smiles at me and looks down at herself. "My father bought this condo for me when I started college and I have to be dressed this way for my internship, but believe me, I don't like it. Well, that's not completely true, I like it a little."

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