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*harry is smol in this and shorter than louis, Louis is taller than in rl. BTW.*
H: 5'6 L: 5'9
Harry's p.o.v.

I breathed in a deep breath, liking the feeling of the fresh air fill my lungs.
Outside always smelt funny- but oddly soothing -to me. Maybe it was the smell of wet concrete from the previous rain the night before, or it could be the smell of the soil, or the bark of the trees, or the faint smell of gasoline each car that littered the streets left behind, or it could just as easily be each unique smell mixed into one that created the familiar smell of nature.

Either way I like it.

I watched my feet carefully as I tended to trip over nothing. Always.
As I reached the school I smile in triumphant realizing I only tripped once.

I nonchalantly looked down at my outfit- a pair of black skinnies, as usual. And a oversized gray hoodie with an adorable baby kitten sprawled against the front.

Slowly I pulled my hand into my sleeves that hung below my finger tips. To keep them warm  It was my older sisters- Gemma -sweater that I stole last weekend. She was a bit bigger then me so the clothing hung loosely off my short frame.

It was pretty warm out although the slight wind left my otherwise pale cheeks tinted a light pink, along with my nose.
I honestly hate the cold. My skin is sensitive and the cold stings my cheeks and ears, and makes it turn pink.
Which I also hate.

" Harryyy" a familiar voice thick with an accent called from not that far away. As I only knew one person with an Irish accent this could only be one person.
I looked up with a smile happy to see my best- and only -friend.

Just then the air I so deeply cherished was knocked out of my chest harshly. "ugh" I groaned trying to remove the clingy Irish dork off me.
" I missed you!"

"We literally saw each other yesterday. At school.. "
I said lowly looking at him weirdly as he finally peeled himself off my body.

" Welp. I didn't see you after school" he answers glaring at me.

"I'm sorry i didn't come over, I fell asleep my bed is just so comfy" I said sheepishly, feeling bad for ditching him. In my defense I couldn't refuse sleep, my one and only love.

He shrugged tugging at my sweater so I would follow as he walked down the hall.

" You don't need to drag me." I muttered pulling my sleeve from his grasp careful not to stretch it.

" You need see this haz." He huffed speed walking to my locker. I furrowed my eye brows my lips in a pout. Something they did often.

"See what?" I wondered out loud. As we neared my locker I raked my brain for any valid reason why this Gubber had the nerve to drag me to my locker in such a hurry.

" Get a move on Harold 'fore he leaves"

I huffed following behind him. Finally we reached my locker, but I cocked my head to the side looking at Niall In confusion. "My locker?" I rolled my eyes pulling up my sleeves just a bit to start on the combination.

Mine as well put my stuff away while I'm here.

"not that you goof. Look behind you." He said pointing to the second row of lockers that stood across the first.

I sighed, but followed his gaze.

"M'not a goof-" I muttered but stopped mid-sentence, realizing what Niall meant.

Stood just a few feet across me stood none other than louis Tomlinson himself. I could tell by the side of his face. He was talking to someone at the locker next to his.

My eyes widened in shock. " Is that-" I gasped. Niall stared in amazement with a small smile dancing on his lips. "Yup"

I tried to wrap my head around the fact the louis- my former tormenter ( a bit dramatic ) -was stood in the same room as me.

Louis Tomlinson, he used to go to my junior high school. Like I said before he used to tease me. I wouldn't go as far as to say bully, but he used to get a real laugh out of humiliating me. He always called me names, spread rumors about me, and gave me dirty looks in the hallway.

Me and him never got along. Since the beginning of my middle school years I couldn't remember a time when I didn't imagine that boy and feel like barfing.

We always kept a certain rivalry between each other. no one understood why we found each other so repulsive, I wasn't even sure if we knew to be perfectly honest, but that's just how it was.
Although it never got to the physical point I sure as hell thought about it quite a bit. That was new for me as I've never been the violent type. I might talk a good game but if it ever came down to it I would never actually have hit him.

At the end of eighth grade he started to act out and eventually got arrested-- in school. He didn't come back to school after that, people were saying he got kicked out, some believed he went to training school or even juvy.
I didn't think I would see him again.

But yet, here he stood. His back towards me, in my second to last year in highschool.

I stood there my lip caught between my teeth. The suspense was killing me. I had to see what he looked like. In middle school everyone was in a very awkward state, so I was almost eager to see how he turned out. I was especially awkward. I- much Like now -was extremely clumsy, I had cropped hair, no curls at the time And angry looking acne littered my face.

It felt like an eternity waiting, he finally turned and what I saw honestly shocked me.

First chapter. I don't know i kinda like it. When this chapter first started intended harry to be a smol, soft, cuddly Lil baby.
Did I do good?(+_+)
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Beautiful Changes - L.S. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz