"What the fuck are you doing here?", I shout, seeing a few of his friends behind him.

He grabs my arm, capturing me in this situation. I try to look behind Grayson but I can't. It feels like it's only Grayson's group and me in this room. The music becomes so loud. I feel numb. My eyes wander around Grayson's face.

"Let go of me, you pervert", I growl, trying to pull my arm away from him.

I think I would throw up, if I didn't wear my jacket and he would be touching my bare skin. I feel so weak, as he tightens his grip around my arm.

"I need to talk to you", Grayson speaks up, "Alone."

"What the hell do you think? Do you believe I'd go somewhere alone with you? You must be stupid to think that!", I say, just loud enough for him to hear.

"We need to talk about what happened", he tries to explain but I feel him losen his grip, so I rip my arm out.

I stumble back a bit, seeing Niall practically jogging towards us between the people. He pushes himself in front of me, speaking to Grayson, having to look up at him. I see Grayson tense up.

"I need to talk to her, Niall. She has to hear why I did what I did. I want to apologize to her", I hear Grayson say.

It got quieter in this room, even the music got turned down.

"You know that I told you to never come back to my parties. You tried to rape Violet!", Niall shouts.

"I was drunk and on LSD!", Grayson shouts back.

"That's not a reason to try and rape someone. You should've seen her that night. I had to spend the night at her place because she was so scared that you would come back and try it again. You scared her so bad, that she didn't want to come to my parties again. I had to promise her that you would never come back but here you are! So, leave my house and never come back or I will call the cops on your ass", Niall growls.

Grayson and his friends start laughing, everyone silencing and the music turning off. People got their phones out, recording what is happening. I look back, seeing Wesley right behind me with Jake, Luke and Conner. Lilian is also standing next to me, holding my hand. I didn't even feel them all coming up to me or Lilian taking my hand.

"You would be busted by calling the cops, Niall. You have underaged drinking and drug abuse right here", one of Wesley's friends says.

"You guys should just leave. You're ruining the party for everyone and you're scaring the shit out of Violet!", Lilian shouts.

"You little whore should keep your mouth shut", Grayson's friend says.

A little "ohh" goes through the room.

"You need to leave", Wesley says, holding Jake back by his arm.

"You fucking cunt! Don't call my baby sister a whore. You're the one that fucks around! You tried to rape my best friends sister!", Jake shouts, ripping himself from Wesley, pouncing past me and towards Grayson and his friends.

There are also some girls, one holding onto Grayson's hand. I look away, knowing Grayson's friend and Jake will get into a fist fight. It's dead silent in the room.

"All of your girl friends are just filthy little whores. Violet fucked a Senior as a Sophomore. Lilian lost her virginity to a college student as a Freshman. Mia or whatever her name is fucked a teacher at school, Riley had sex with the whole baseball team and you, the blonde girl, Meredith, you had an orgy with the football team as a Freshman", Grayson says, pointing at Meredith.

I see the boys from our group crack their knuckles. Mere suddenly starts crying. I know that that's not true. Riley did not have sex with the whole baseball team and Mia hasn't even lost her virginity yet. And Mere certainly did not have an orgy with the football team.

"You're a dead son of a bitch", Wesley mumbles, stepping forward.

"You wouldn't start a fist fight in this beautiful mansion, would you?", one of Grayson's friends starts provoking the boys.

"You want to bet?", Conner says, also stepping to Niall and Wesley.

Jake is about to jump on one of Grayson's friends, if they say another thing. Someone in the crowd clears their throat.

"And let me say one thing: Niall, do you remember what happened with Amy? Well, I was the guy who fucked her and it was so good", Grayson says.

Then all you hear is a harsh sound of skin hitting skin, bone hitting bone, Niall's fist hitting Grayson's cheek. I cringe a bit by the sound but suddenly everyone behind me starts shouting and howling. I watch in fear, as Niall, Wesley, Jake, Luke and Conner fight with Grayson and his three friends. Lilian is still holding my hand, shouting for them to stop. Mere is on my other side, also shouting at them to stop. I feel so empty.

"Stop!", I start shouting as well.

"Stop it!", Mere shouts.

Suddenly, Jake gets pushed back by Grayson. Jake's back meets me, pushing me down to the ground with Jake on me. Lilian let go of my hand, as I was falling. Jake is heavy on me, making it hard for me to breathe. I can't say anything. Mere and Lilian are trying to get Grayson off of Jake by shouting his name and pulling at him but Grayson keeps punching Jake, really getting him. Everyone in the room is shouting for them to stop. Some even try to get people apart from each other. I look up, seeing a fist come right to my face, meeting with my upper cheek and my eye. I scream in pain. Jake must've ducked and Grayson's fist must've gotten me instead. I try to get Jake off of me but he's so heavy. I need to take care of my eye. Suddenly, everyone is silent, only hearing some profanities from the boys in a fist fight. I look up at Grayson, seeing him sit on top of Jake and I. People move away, seeing no more sense in this fight. Grayson and Jake get off of me. Mere and Lilian help me up. They quickly escort me out of the room but the fight seems to continue as the shouting starts up again. They both help me get into the bathroom, locking the door. Mere sits me down on the toilet. I feel no pain at all but I know that it should hurt. Maybe it's just the shock.

"It's going to be okay", Mere says.

"Do you have makeup wipes?", Lilian asks, directed towards us.

I shake my head but it starts pounding a little. Mere and Lilian start looking for anything that will remove my makeup.

"The boys are so stupid for starting that fight!", Lilian groans in annoyance.

"I found baby wipes", Mere announces, throwing them over to me.

"Take off your make up, as beautiful as it is. I need to see how bad you got hit. You can borrow my makeup after", Lilian explains to me.

I nod. I'm not mad at anyone but Grayson and his friends should've stayed away from this stupid party. All I wanted was to have fun with my friends after having a mental breakdown earlier when I was with Wes.

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