“Oh,” Elena smiles awkwardly at me and I take it as my cue to leave.

“Well I’m going to go look for my class, see you guys around,” I say as I turn around and leave.

“Come sit with us at lunch!” I hear Bonnie scream from behind me.

I turn around and shout back. “Sure.”

People are giving me weird stares as I walk around looking for my class but I don’t even care. You don’t really care much about what people think after you’ve lived a thousand years.

I look down at my schedule and realize that my first class is history class. The bell has already rung and now I’m late for class. I find the history classroom and burst in, completely interrupting whatever the teacher was saying. He glares at me disapprovingly.

“It’s so nice of you to join us,” he says sarcastically.

“I’m so sorry, I got lost,” I mumble.

“This school isn’t that big,” he pointed out.

“I’m new here,” I retort and earn a few approving glances from my fellow classmates.

“Detention,” the teacher says simply. “For being late and talking back to the teacher.”

“Oh I’m so sorry Mr.– uh,” I look down at my schedule. “Mr. Tanner. It won’t happen again.”

He waves me away and turns back to whatever he was saying. Rude. I was definitely not showing up to detention. I look around the classroom and see that everyone is staring at me. Thankfully, I see both Bonnie and Elena in this class and I walk to the empty desk near them.

After settling down in my seat, I look around the classroom. Most of the class has already gone back to paying attention to whatever Mr. Tanner was saying but a few are still giving me curious looks. I look over to see Bonnie grinning at me.

What? I mouthed at her.

Good one, she mouths back and smirks.

I shrug my shoulders. Hey it’s not like I did it on purpose, I say silently.

“Ms. Bennett and late girl, I would very much appreciate it if you paid attention in my class,” Mr. Tanner interrupts our silent conversation. He returns to the book he was reading and Bonnie and I look at each other before silently bursting out laughing.

I start looking around the history classroom again as I was growing bored with Mr. Tanner droning on and on. I notice that Stefan is also in our history class and that he is sitting in front of me. He keeps staring at Elena and I know why. The resemblance to Katherine is uncanny. I tap Stefan on the shoulder and he turns around.

“Oh hey,” he smiles.

“Hey,” I whisper. “How did you find your way to class before the bell rang?”

“I asked someone,” he says simply.

“Teach me your ways.”

“You are a very, very strange girl,” he smiles at me before turning around again to face the front of the classroom.

History class soon ends and the rest of the day passes by in a blur. I ate lunch with Bonnie and Elena and they did their best to include me in their conversation. The pretty blonde girl I saw that morning was there too and I discovered she lived up to her appearance.

She acted quite snobby towards me and asked me all sorts of personal questions and when she wasn’t interrogating me, she was ignoring me completely. Bonnie introduced to her me as Caroline Forbes.

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