Prologue- Memories

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Honestly, this story is so fun for me to write. It's a little out of my comfort zone, but I just love all the thoughts I've had for the story and I can't wait to see where it goes 😊 let me know what you think!- A.B.

Louis is portrayed by Matthew Clavane (photo above)

Louis's POV

I was sitting on the living room flood of the pack house, playing go fish with my mother and father. It was such a fun day of doing hardly anything. We had been on a run with the pack earlier, well, my mommy and daddy did, I stayed back and played with the other kids. You usually shift for the first time when you're about five, but you actually don't really become one with your wolf until you reach puberty, that's when you feel the need to be connected to the pack in something like a run. So since I'm only seven, I don't need to follow my wolf instincts much considering I don't really have any. So, I don't really need to worry about much of anything other than kicking my mommy and daddy's butts in go fish.

"Do you have any fives?" I say to my mother, giggling at the fact that if she did have a five I would win. I meet my mothers big brown eyes as she pouts and hands me the card. I took the card in my hand and immediately placed my other two fives on the floor with it, and begin my victory celebration. I began running around the room cheering, earning smiles from several other pack mates who were nearby. I was so happy, being a kid and beating your parents in anything was an accomplishment. I was so into my celebration, that I almost didn't realize that something was kinda weird.

It was so..... quiet.

My celebration died down, and I looked around the room to try to figure out why it was so quiet. I don't know what it was, but everything felt kinda scary, so I looked to my mommy and daddy hoping that they would know what was wrong and make it better. I turned to my them, knowing that if anything was wrong, they would know how to fix it, but what I saw made my mind go blank.

My parents, they were laughing.

But there was no sound.

They looked so happy like they didn't notice anything was wrong, it made me, began to think something was wrong with my ears. I very shakily said "mommy" and when I heard my trembling voice, I knew the problem wasn't me. And to my surprise, my parents soundless laughter ceased, and they both turned to me, concern evident on their faces.

That helped calmed me down for a moment, until my mommy's lips began to move. It looked like she was talking to me, but nothing was coming out of her mouth. I didn't even realize that I was breathing really fast until their I hiccuped. It was only then that I noticed thick tears were streaming down my face, I was so scared.

What's going on? What's wrong with mommy and daddy?

Both of them had concern on their faces as their mouths moved as if their was a purpose behind it. My mother opened her arms to me, a familiar gesture that I recognized as a sign of welcome and comfort. I didn't even hesitate to launch myself towards her, wanting to be help, needing for my mommy to make me feel less nervous. But as I was about to enter her arms, and I closed my eyes, I didn't come in contact when I was expecting to.

Slowly, fearfully, I opened my tear-welled eyes, hope and praying to see I simple didn't quite reach my mother yet. As my eyelids pried themselves apart, I began to get really scared, more than I was before. I was in a white room, it was small, about the size of a bathroom, with only a twin sized bed on one side of the room, and a door that blended into the walls on the other. The room was really scary , but what made me even more scared and confused was that one of the walls wasn't white, but clear, and when looked through I could see a hallway. Looking into the glass, the sight before me almost made me feel sick to my tummy. All the way down the hall were more small white rooms, just like the one I was in, and in every one of the rooms I could see, all of them had someone in one.

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