Ch. 1- Watch Where Your Going

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Beep. Beep. Beep. I groan. I hate school it is way different than my other one. You have to be at school by 8 in the morning and we have 8 classes.

I get up and take a shower and put on high waisted light jeans, a cheer shirt, and my gray Adidas. I braided my hair and put on mascara and lip gloss, brushed my teeth, and pack my cheer bag for after school practice. Grabbed my keys to my red Mustang and left.

After I arrived at school I go to the Arena Dance room and put my cheer stuff in the locker room. I head to my first period which is Social Studies and take my seat next to my BFF, Kelsey Fetterhoff.

"Are you going to Kaiden's party this Friday?" Kelsey asks. "Is that even a question," I say in a duh tone. Then the teacher comes in and we start are work.

The first half of the day went by fast and now it is lunch. I am walking to my car an see al my friends (Kelsey, Christina, Sarah, Mariah, and Lizzie) are waiting on me. We get in my car and drive to Starbucks.

We arrive at Starbucks, order and get our drinks, and sit at our table. "So we are all going to the party Friday," I say. "Which means shopping," Christina says. "Ok, but it can't be today, tomorrow, or Wednesday, because we have Track meets, volleyball games, and I have my basketball game tomorrow so it will be Thursday," I tell everyone. "Ok," they all tell me in unison.

We finished our drinks and head back to school. School ends early to day because of the weather, but I still have after school cheer practice. I am getting ready to practice.

"Ok girls lets do some stretches, work on cheers, and then our halftime routine," I tell them. We are doing our stretches for like 10 mins. and then start on cheers. "W.O.L.V.E.S. WHAT DOES THAT SPELL? GO! WOLVES! GO!" We all yell. After doing a whole bunch of cheers we start are half time performance. 1 hour later everyone left the dance room and went to do whatever while I was talking to the coaches.

After I finished talking to the coaches I change and head put of the dance room. I am walking threw the arena texting Kelsey when I run into someone. "Watch we're your going," I snap. "You were the one texting on your phone not paying attention," he replied. I look up to see none other than the basketball captain, school badboy, biggest player, #3, Lane Kersey staring at me with a grin on his face. "Whatever," I say. He has perfect muscles and is wearing his practice uniform since they are playing tomorrow. He has looks that could kill I would never tell him that but he does. "Hello," Lane says snapping me out of my trance. "Can you move I need to go talk to the basketball coaches," he says. I move out of the way.

I was standing where I was until Lane got back and he looked at me like I was crazy. "Why are you still here?" He asks. "I came to tell you, if you ever speak that way to me again I will destroy you. Do you know who I am?" I tell him. "Yeah your one of those stuck up, spoiled, sassy, cheerleaders," he says. "Whatever," I say and walk off.

I get home and have a group call with Kelsey, Christina, and Mariah. "So he called you a stuck up, spoiled, sassy, cheerleader," Christina says laughing. " Yes and it is not funny does he know who I am. I could destroy him," I tell her. "But why would you he is so hot," Mariah says. "But he is also just another player," Kelsey tells Mariah. Christina says,"Yeah Kelsey is right Mariah you would just be another of his one night stands if you keep talking like that". "But he would be so good in bed, way better than Mondo that is for sure," Mariah says. "Ok we can talk about this tomorrow, but I have to go," I tell them. "Ok goodbye and goodnight," they all say.

I am in the kitchen making a smoothie later that night when I get a text from Lizzie.
L- Omg, Chloe that thing that happened between you and Lane is all everyone is talking about.
Me- I am going to kill Lane.
L- Larissa is going to take this opportunity to bring you down for good.
Me- What am I going to do
L- Idk but you better figure out fast bc what Lane called you will kill ur rep.
Me- I know, I will figure this out tomorrow.
Me- I need a bath to soak out all my stress.
L- Ok good luck girl. See u tomorrow.

I go start a really hot bath and put in bath salts, bubbles, and a bath bomb. I light some candles and get my smoothies.

I soak in the bath for like 1 about thinking about what to do and finally decided to let the rumor spread and it will go away by tomorrow, our school has so much drama.

Finally feeling relaxed I brush my teeth, throw on spandex and a sports bra and go to sleep.

This is the first chapter, you met all the characters and got to learn a little about Chloe's everyday life.
Chloe is the pic at the top.
I also update a lot.
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Thanks for reading.
Love you guys, Olivia.

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