Chapter 4 - Adopt a value - Delivering mind set

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You can adopt all the fancy tricks you want, but if you just talk hot air and
never really get to any meat, you’ll lose your audience very quickly.
Which is why you have to never take your position for granted, and going
to hear what you have to say. That means
(a) not being complacent and,
(b) being prepared to sell your ideas as tough no-one has ever heard them before.

Have to focus on over-delivering whether it’s through entertainment, intriguing ideas or a fresh perspective on an old problem, so that they can‟t believe this guy is giving it away for free.

That what makes people want to hear every single thing you’ve to say – when they feel like they are always going to get gold no matter how many times hear you speak.People who have impact know that they can never ride on a previous reputation. They’ve to be ready an excited to deliver and re-deliver every time as if it were their very first opportunity.

Owing the First 5 MinutesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora