Chapter 2 - Be a Master of the Conversational "Sleight of hand"

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You need to be pro-active instead of reactive. This conversational sleight of hand is a technique which helps you do exactly this.

The principle is simple: Always answer the question you wish you‟d have been asked.

This technique guarantees that no matter what situation you’re in. You get to control the dynamic of the conversation. You always get to tell the story or make a point that you want to make. Plus when you learn how to pull it off well, it’s so subtle and indirect, that even people you’re speaking too will feel like they are in charge even when in reality you’re pulling them toward exactly where you want to go.

See, the secret of the most influential people’s that they know not to wait for opportunities, and instead know how to turn any situation into an opportunity “Have a spontaneous anecdote up on your sleeve”

So the two simple ways to begin to practice this technique.
1.) Always answer the question you wish you have been asked.
2.) Tell a story that indirectly smuggle in your real message.

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