embarrasing story #4- world's loudest fart

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Ok so, this is my MOST embarrassing fart story!! I was at a volleyball tournament. It was long away from home so we slept in a school. I was eating breakfast and I needed to fart. Luckily I was late so there were only 2 girls there. (GIRLS IN MY TEAM) Ok, so I held the fart in. But when I was cleaning up after myself i needed to sneeze! I couldn't hold the sneeze in and when I sneezed OUT CAME THE BIGGEST LOUDEST FART IN HISTORY OF BIG LOUD FARTS!! The girls were´t laughing but I saw them whispering and watching me. I hurried away as fast as I could. THIS IS THE MOST EMBARRASSING THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED TO ME!!!!!! ":( (and since then I have always held in my farts in public and used the most time to fart when I'm alone.

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