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Why does life have to be so fucking complicated?

One day your happy, you have a girlfriend that loves you, friends, and your family is leaving you alone, and drama is very low

Then the next, your girlfriend is moving away and tells you your friends told her to kill her self and your girlfriend says not to speak to them or she will never speak to you again, your other friends take your other friends side and your caught in the middle, drama rises from bloody hell, and your family is yelling at you to do everything like you had nothing better to do!!!

Then it only gets worse!!!
Your girlfriend doesn't want a long distance relationship and basically breaks it off but when you ask "so were broken up?" SHE REPLIES IDK!! I DON'T KNOW!! HOW DOES SHE NOT!!! Then all your friends seems to hate you or try to avoid you, and when they do talk to you they talk about there problems and what they want and basically treat you like a fucking pet that they want to comfort them! And then!! The other people that you like act as if your nothing and send you a few messily hey's and then completely stop talking to you. For no reason!!!!
And when you do fucking everything for your family they won't even let you spend one night at a friends house just because she has a kid!!! IF WASN'T HER FAULT SHE GOT PREGNENT!! AND ITS NOT LIKE MY AUNT KNOWS WHAT HAPPPEND! SHE COULD OF BEEN DRUGGED!!! OR RAPPED OR DRUNK OR HIGH AND NOT KNOW WHAT SHE WAS DOING! THEN MY "FAMILY" HAS THE NERVE TO CALL HER A SLUT!!!!! THAT FRIEND IS LIKE A MOTHER TO ME AND THEY CALL HER A SLUT!!!! I WAS READY TO PULL MY FRIENDS POCKET KNIFE OUT AND SLIT HER THROAT WHEN SHE SAID THAT!!!! And now. The last people I truly thought of as family.. Betrayed me. They mit as we'll of killed me. I kinda can't help but wish they would of..

Why do I have to have such a confused life!!! Why can't my family just hate me and wants to have nothing to do with me and ignore me so I can deal with my problems in peace without wanting to kill them. Or could they at least just talk behind my back like everyone else? Can't everyone just leave all the drama alone and focus on whats happening instead of being at each others throats... Just for a day, can't they all just stop for one day!! Or can't someone just help me get threw all this before I lose it? Or at least, this is all I ask of someone anyone I trust.. Can't someone just not leave, betray, hate, or hurt me anymore??? Just one person and I'll be fine..

If you read this far, thanks for caring about me and what I had to say.. Unless you only read to talk shit..


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2018 ⏰

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